Sir Robert Goushill, of Hoveringham is my 16th great grandfather.
Blood Relationship
→ Kenneth Curtis Hosea
your father → Ophelia Hosea
his mother → Henry Morgan
her father → Nancy Lucinda Champion
his mother → John James Champion
her father → Samuel Champion
his father → Ann Champion
his mother → Anne Judkins
her mother → Benjamin Edward Champion, Sr.
her father → Elizabeth Champion
his mother → John Atkins
her father → Frances Atkins
his mother → Mary Blennerhasset
her mother → Sir Edward Echingham
her father → Anne Echingham (Wingfield)
his mother → Sir John Wingfield
her father → Elizabeth Cathrine Hardwick
his mother → Sir Robert Goushill, of Hoveringham
her fatherConsequence checkShow shortest path |Share this trail
Shortest direct family relationship
Sir Robert Goushill, of Hoveringham is your 7th great uncle's 9th great grandfather.
Close Family Relationship
→ Kenneth Curtis Hosea
your father → Ophelia Hosea
his mother → Henry Morgan
her father → Nancy Lucinda Champion
his mother → John James Champion
her father → Samuel Champion
his father → Charles Champion
his father → Elizabeth Burton Champion
his mother → Mary Brown
her sister → Robert Brown, Capt. to Barbados
her husband → Abel Browne
his father → Rev. Robert Browne
his father → Percy Browne
his father → Lady Mary Browne
his mother → Sir John Savage, VIII, Kt., Of Rock Savage
her father → Sir John Savage, VII, Kt.
his father → Sir John Savage, VI, Kt., Sheriff of Worcestershire
his father → Sir John Savage V, KB, KG
his father → Katherine Savage
his mother → Joan Goushill, Baroness of Stanley
her mother → Sir Robert Goushill, of Hoveringham
her father
There are 5 Autosomal DNA relatives to compare to under the profile DNA tab. I MATCHED with all five.
I found another cousin. Today is a marvelous day.