Rabbi Moshe Yirmiyahu Gershon Hakohen Rappaport, Rosh Metivta in Vienna - Moses Cohen Rapa in Vienna

Начал Randy Schoenberg среда, 14 сентября 2022
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14.9.2022 в 5:55 после полудня

Is Rabbi Moshe Yirmiyahu Gershon Hakohen Rappaport, Rosh Metivta in Vienna supposed to be Moses Cohen Rapa ?

We need actual evidence for the children, because there was a lot of misinformation published in the late 19th century (as discussed by Wachstein) and so it isn't enough just to refer to someone's attempt at a family tree without historical sources.

Private User
вчера в 7:36 до полудня

There have been many books printed about ancestry about the Rapaport family that mention this connection but I have not seen any records or censuses for this family at that time in Italy.

I'm not sure if those two Moshe's are the same or different.

Private User
вчера в 7:53 до полудня

In Anaf Eitz Avot written by Shmuel Zanvel Kahana in 1903 (www.hebrewbooks.org/6392). He mentions on page 25 that Moshe Yirmiyah was a son of Simcha author of Kol Simcha. He quotes Yosef Kohen Tzedek in his book Dor Yesharim (https://www.nli.org.il/en/books/NNL_ALEPH001971683/NLI) written in 1898.
On page 6 foote note #3 he mentions that Moshe Yirmiyah Gershon was son of Simcha the author of Kol Simcha.

вчера в 6:40 после полудня

We need a source from before 1800. Otherwise it is just a guess, and as I said, Wachstein, who studied the actual Rapoport graves in Vienna and wrote about the family, had serious reservations about the claims made in those books written before 1910.

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