Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • South Africa - Crime Victims: 2006 - 2007

    “Robbery Related and Non-Social Fabric Murders” 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 There are 209 victims remembered in this project Suburban and other category Attacks - 136 Farm Attacks - 73 This figure includes 2 couples killed during a suburban home invasion This figure includes 3 farming couples killed between 30/05/2006 - 17/12/2006 2006 April Urban Attacks Angela Kupane (40)...

  • Saint Henry's Cemetery, Perham, Minnesota

    This cemetery is located on 202 Paul Lake Road, Perham, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Find a Grave

  • St. Mary's Cemetery, Watertown, South Dakota

    This cemetery is located on 2000 172nd Street, Watertown, Codington County, South Dakota. Find a Grave SD Gravestones

  • Кучеренко Михаил Семёнович

    My German great grandfather Woldemar ( Владимир Владимирович Эккерт ) had the second family. After breaking up with Ilse , with whom they had had two children together, he started another marriage, approximately in 1939, in which he had a biological daughter Жанна Владимировна Эккерт . She married to Кучеренко Владимир Семёнович . This man's mother's name was Анна Трофимовна, and had three sis...

  • Pioneer Settlers of Ashford, New York

    Ashford, N.Y. History: Many old New England family descendants looking for more land after the Revolutionary a War came down into New York State and settled at Ashford, Little Valley, West Vallet and nearby Hamlets. Many of them came from Ashford, Conneticutt.Many of these families had common lineages in England, and they intermarried here in America as well.This project is to identify settlers...

  • Bełżec extermination camp

    To properly record and document and then to remember those who died in this terrible place.For information cf. numerous sources including the following:Belzec extermination camp - Wikipedia łżec[2] (pronounced [%CB%88b%C9%9Bu%CC%AF%CA%90%C9%9Bt%CD%A1s], in German: Belzec) was a Nazi German extermination camp built by the SS for the purpose of implementing the secretive Operation Reinhard, the p...

  • Empreendedores/Ativistas Brasileiros

    Empreendedores/Ativistas Brasileiros==# Assis Chateaubriand (Umbuzeiro, Paraíba, 4 de outubro de 1892 - São Paulo, 4 de abril de 1968) Foi um dos homens mais influentes do Brasil nas décadas de 1940 e de 1950 em vários campos da sociedade brasileira. Assis Chateaubriand criou e dirigiu a maior cadeia de imprensa do país, os Diários Associados: 34 jornais, 36 emissoras de rádio, 18 estações de t...

  • Immaculate Conception Catholic Cemetery, New Richmond, Wisconsin

    This cemetery is located on 151 Washington Avenue, New Richmond, St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Find a Grave

  • St. Paul Cemetery, Nicollet, Minnesota

    This cemetery is located on 461st Avenue, Nicollet, Nicollet County, Minnesota. Find a Grave

  • Inmigrantes Portugueses a Republica Dominicana / Portugues immigrants to Dominican Republic

    Este proyecto tiene por objeto recoger todos los inmigrantes portugueses establecidos en la Republica Dominicana por Familia y por lugar de origen. Coimbra, Portugal Familia Pellerano Benito Pellerano Consul de Portugal Julia Pellerano ( hija del anterior) Familia Cabral * Joao Cabral ~ Don Juan Cabral

  • Nova Petropolis Colony

    Este é um subprojeto relacionado ao Projeto Maior Imigrantes Alemães ao Brasil Este subprojeto visa organizar dados genealógicos dos imigrantes alemão que vieram ao Brasil e foram instalados na Colônia Nova Petrópolis, no estado de Rio Grande do Sul. Os imigrantes já identificados estão na lista de perfis deste subprojeto: Johann Peter STUMM (★ Feb.2.1810, Büchenbeuren, Rheinland-Pfalz), ...

  • Original Associates of Elizabethtown, New Jersey

    Elizabethtown, New Jersey became a formal settlement in 1664. Elizabethtown was the first permanent English community in New Jersey, and is now known as Elizabeth, New Jersey. Profiles to be added to this project are the Elizabethtown Associates, 1664-1699. The following is an alphabetized list of associates. Those with an * beside their name are the associates known to have been in Elizabetht...

  • Instituut Van Kinsbergen ‧ sinds 1809 ‧ Elburg

    Instituut Van Kinsbergen ‧ sinds 1809 ‧ Elburg . . Admiraal Jan Hendrik van KINSBERGEN ‧ 1735-1819 ‧ . . . bronnen ‧ informatie ‧ documentatie ‧ etc; Rijksmonument v/m Weeshuis en Latijnse school Ermelo ...aanvulling welkom! historie 1805 : Oprichting Instituut voor Opvoeding i.s.m. het Schipluidenfonds . . ACTORES curator mr.dr. F.A.C. graaf van LYNDEN van...

  • Lokovec - house no. and surname

    Lokovec h.š., hišno ime, priimek/priimki (VIR: Matricula Online, Geneanet) posebnost: KD = Risba domačije z opisom je v knjigah Klanec do doma 1 (KD1) in Klanec do doma 2 (KD2); avtor: Rafael Terpin 001 = 000 = 225 = Rijavec (glej Lom); Škulelan, Hilarij = Pavšič / Pri Hilariju - Lazna = KD1 in KD2 (2009 snemali film po knjigi) 002 = 000 = 221 = Šuligoj (glej Lom); Rojc - Pri Rojcu - Lazna = K...

  • Village Naarva, Ilomantsi, Finland

    Tämä projekti on Ilomantsin Naarvan kylän kyläprojekti. Projekti sisältää kylän asutusluetteloita, tarinoita ja valokuvia, linkkeineen sukupuuhun. Kyläprojekti kehittyy ja täydentyy jatkuvasti. Naarvan kyläkartta ( linkki tulossa ) Naarvan asutusluettelo Tarinoita Naarvalaisia sukuja Naarvaan liittyviä kuvia, artikkeleita, asiakirjoja ja videoita Ilomantsin paikkakuntaprojekti ...

  • Pudasjärvi, irtoprofiileja

    Sukupuusta irti olevia profiileja ja oksia Tähän projektiin voi liittää tilapäisesti sellaisia Pudasjärven sukupuuhun liittyviä profiileja ja irtonaisia oksanpätkiä, jotka eivät vielä ole löytäneet paikkansa Genin yhteisestä sukupuusta. Näihin profiileihin Geni ei siis pysty näyttämään sinulle yhteyttä. Sen jälkeen kun profiilit on saatu kytkettyä sukupuuhun, profiili voidaan poistaa projektis...

  • Holocaust in Romania

    Early modern clothing==Among the privileges granted to Jews was permitting them to wear traditional dress; eventually, the authorities in Gyulafehérvár decided (in 1650 and 1741), to allow Jews to wear only clothing evidencing their status and ethnicity.Many Ashkenazi Jews from Poland took refuge in Moldavia and Wallachia, establishing small but stable communities. Massacres and forced conversi...

  • 100 Pluss Norge

    Kjente norske hundre og superhundre åringer. Kjente nordmenn over hundre år. De eldste menn og kvinner i Norge Superhundreåringer( pluss 110) er kjente på bakgrunn av veldig høy alder.

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Handmaid, 1630

    Arrival of the Handmaid , 29 Oct. 1630After twelve weeks at sea, the Handmaid docked at Plymouth on 29 Oct. 1630 with about 60 passengers. [1] They were the last group from Leiden. [2]The brethren described these arrivals as the "weakest and poorest", which may account for why none of their names were preserved. This was the last of the Pilgrim ships, although a few more brethren strayed in fro...

  • Lumijoki, Kirkonkylä, talo Korvela No 42 (lukkarin virkatalo, aik. No 37) asukkaat

    Kaikki paikkakunnalla asuneiden henkilöiden historiasta kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita liittymään projektiin yhteistyöntekijöiksi Projekti käsittää Lumijoen kirkonkylän alueella talon Korvela No 42 (lukkarin virkatalo, aik. No 37) asukkaat. Lumijoki, Kirkonkylä ja Ylipää - Talonhaltijaluettelo Projektissa on luettelo Lumijoen kirkonkylän alueella v. 1939 saakka olevien talonhaltijoiden ...

  • Sherburne County, Minnesota

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Sherburne County, Minnesota. Official Website Created in 1856, the county is named for Moses Sherburne (1808-1868), a prominent area attorney, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the Minnesota Territory (1853-1857), who retired to the county and spent his final year of life there (in Orono). Adjacent Counties Mille Lacs Co...

11351-11375 of 74797 projects