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  • 1st wife of Aaron Cook (c.1612 - 1645)
    Not the same as Mary Ford , who many people thought had to be his first wife due to a misreading of her father Thomas's will (and presumably lack of any confirmation that Mary had married anyone else)....
  • Maj. Aaron Cook (1614 - 1690)
    Aaron Cook, son of Aaron Cooke and Elizabeth Charde, was baptized at Bridport,Co. Dorset Mar 20, 1613/4, and died 5 Sept. 1690 in Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay. Aaron Cook Jr served in Kin...
  • Aaron Cook (1715 - c.1743)
  • Capt. Aaron Cooke (1640 - 1716)
    Aaron was a captain of the militia and took over command when his father died. Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Dec 14 2016, 16:47:58 UTC
  • Abagail Stricklin (deceased)

About the Cook surname



occupational name for a cook, a seller of cooked meats, or a keeper of an eating house, from Old English coc (Latin coquus). There has been some confusion with Cocke.

Irish and Scottish

usually identical in origin with the English name, but in some cases a reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Cúg ‘son of Hugo’ (see McCook).


In North America Cook has absorbed examples of cognate and semantically equivalent names from other languages, such as German and Jewish Koch. Erroneous translation of French Lécuyer

other versions of this surname