Are these 3 MPs the same person?

Started by Terry Jackson (Switzer) on Saturday, January 7, 2012
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1/7/2012 at 6:50 AM

I believe that these three ladies are the same person after reading "Daughter of Raoul d'Ivry. Wife of Richard de Beaufour / de Belfage. Her given name is uncertain. Names I have seen for her in French sources include: Alberée. Emma, Basle, Alberade, Aubrée"

Basilia de Beaufour

Emma fitzArfast

Tagging the curators just in case:
@Erin Ishimoticha
@Pam Wilson (on hiatus)
@Hatte Blejer (absent until Nov 1)

1/7/2012 at 11:35 AM

I know I ran across her and wondered the same thing and couldn't decide Terry. I was hoping that Pam knew the answer. I think that there were two daughters that Cawley didn't have names for either of, and one of them married Richard de Beaufour / de Belfage for sure.

I'll go back to Cawley and check what I was going on. I looked into this twice and couldn't figure it out!

1/7/2012 at 11:41 AM

Raoul had TWO daughters - one married Richard de Beaufour. The other - who appears to be named Emma - married Osbern de Crepon.

a) RAOUL d'Ivry ([942/50]-after 1011). Guillaume de Jumièges names Raoul as uterine brother of Richard Comte [de Normandie], specifying that the latter consulted him about arrangements for the succession in Normandy when dying[751]. It is assumed that he was born after the death of Comte Guillaume I, but it is unlikely that he was born much later than 945 if it is correct that the birth of his older half-brother Richard can be dated to [1032] (see the document NORMANDY DUKES). Comte [de Bayeux]. m AUBREE [de Caville/Cacheville], daughter of --- (-murdered ----). Guillaume de Jumièges records the marriage of Raoul and "Eranberge…née dans une certaine terre du pays de Caux que l'on appelle Caville ou Cacheville"[752]. She is named as wife of Raoul by Orderic Vitalis, who says that she built the castle of Ivry, executed the architect Lanfred to prevent him from completing a similar construction elsewhere, and attempted to expel her husband from the castle, but was killed by him[753]. Comte Raoul & his wife had five children:

i) HUGUES d'Ivry (-Oct 1049). Guillaume de Jumièges names Hugues bishop of Bayeux as son of comte Raoul, when recording that the castle of Ivry was confiscated from him by Robert II Duke of Normandy[754]. Seigneur d'Ivry. Bishop of Bayeux 1015. Hugues had [two] illegitimate children by an unknown mistress or mistresses:

- see below.

ii) EMMA d'Ivry . Guillaume de Jumièges records that one of the daughters of Raoul & his wife married Osbern de Crepon[755]. "Willelmus et frater eius Osbernus" donated "terram…Herchembaldus vicecomes et Turoldus, comitissæ Gunnoris camerarius" and revenue from land received by "Croco et Erchembaldus filii eiusdem Erchembaldi vicecomitis" to the abbey of Sainte-Trinité at Rouen, with the consent of "matre eorum Emma", for the soul of "patris sui Osberni cognomento Pacifici", by charter dated to [1035/60], signed by "…Godeboldi, Daneboldi, Ansfredi filii Osberni, Gisleberti filii Turgisii…"[756]. "Osberni frater eius [Willelmi]" witnessed a charter dated 1038 or after[757]. After her husband died, she became abbess of St Amand at Rouen[758]. m OSBERN de Crepon, son of HERFAST & his wife --- (-murdered [1040]).

iii) daughter . Guillaume de Jumièges records that the other (unnamed) daughter of Raoul & his wife married Richard de Belfage, naming their son Robert and recording that one of their several daughters married Hugues de Montfort[759]. m RICHARD de Beaufour, son of ---. Richard & his wife had [four or more] children...

iv) RAOUL d'Ivry (-after [1020/30]). "Hugo Baiocassine urbis episcopus et Rodulfi quondam comitis filius" donated property to Jumièges by charter dated to [1020/30][763]. It is assumed that the donors were brothers although this is not certain.

v) JEAN d'Ivry (-1079). Brother of Hugues, according to Orderic Vitalis[764]. Bishop of Avranches 1061. The Chronicon S. Stephani Cadomensis records that "Joannes filius Rodulfi comitis fratris Ricardi" succeeded as Archbishop of Rouen in 1069, having been bishop of Avranches for seven years and three months; the same source records the death in 1079 of "Joannes Rothomag. Archiepiscopus"[765].

1/8/2012 at 2:30 AM

Thanks Hatte, It looks then as if Emma and Emmaline are the same person but that they, rather she, only married Osbern and that Mahaut was the other daughter name unconfirmed. If you're happy with that I'll change it appropriately.

1/8/2012 at 6:34 AM

Yes, I would go with Cawley and marry "Emma" to Osbern de Crepon and have the other one who I curate (whose given name is not certain but can go by Mahaut / Alberade) be the one who married de Beaufour. Someone should put a curator's note on the merged Emma / Emmaline.

I do not know about de Bayeux. I bet Pam does. That is why I left Emma and Emmaline alone.

1/8/2012 at 9:26 AM

Emmaline is the anomaly as she did not apparantly marry Osbern or de Beaufour and also seems not to be the daughter of Ancitel de Bayeaux. I may not merge her after all but may put her as driftwood if I can't find any relationships.

1/8/2012 at 9:28 AM

It's sometimes good to look at Revisions which show how the profile got attached to a particular spouse / parent.

1/8/2012 at 9:50 AM

It seems it s staring us in the face... Ranulf d'Ivry is d'I'vry ET Bayeux! Just wasn't in the display name.

1/8/2012 at 10:13 AM

Okay, that's something I should have known, although I don't work on the d'Ivry family :) But it sounds familiar.

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