Finland and Karelia Finland and Karelia project is networking forum for families from Finland, and from the other hand, Karelian families from outside of Finland . The project includes about 20,000 collaboration partners. It is easy to find more detailed projects from this project, such as regional and locality projects. Many locality projects include links also to village and house level proje...
POPISNA KNJIGA OKRUG JAGODINSKI, SREZ LEVAČKI 1863 GOD. Mesto: POLJNA 1. Jovan Miljković , zemljedjelac, star 43 g., žena Savva 40 g., sinovi Miloš 12 g., Ilija 10 g., Nikodije 1 g., kćer Milosava 5 g. Nepokretno imanje: jedna kuća od slabog materijala s placom od 1/2 ralice. Jedna njiva od 2 1/2 dana. Jedan šljivak od 1 ralice. Jedan vinograd od 3 motike. Jedna oranica od 1 dana svega 32 duk...
Stamps of the Soviet Union were issued in the period 1923 to 1991. They were labeled with the inscription Russian: "Почта СССР" ("Post of the USSR"). In the thematics, Soviet stamps reflected to a large extent the history, politics, economics and culture of this world's first socialist state. wikipedia
GONZAGA - Roversi SABBIONETA - Beltrami SERMIDE - Formigoni, VIADANA - Anversa Acquanegra sul Chiese, Asola, Bagnolo San Vito, Bigarello, Borgo Virgilio, Borgofranco sul Po, Bozzolo, Canneto sull'Oglio, Carbonara di Po, Casalmoro, Casaloldo, Casalromano, Castel d'Ario, Castel Goffredo, Castelbelforte, Castellucchio, Castiglione delle Stiviere, Cavriana, Ceresara, Commessaggio, Curtatone,...
Emilio Salgari, COLOGNA VENETA - Scolari CONCAMARISE - Garbelli MALCESINE - Viviani NEGRAR - Tomamsi POVEGLIANO - Lory Del Santo SAN BONIFACIO - REbellin SORGA' - Ascari Affi, Albaredo d'Adige, Angiari, Arcole, Badia Calavena, Bardolino, Belfiore, Bevilacqua, Bonavigo, Boschi Sant'Anna, Bosco Chiesanuova, Bovolone, Brentino Belluno, Brenzone sul Garda, Bussolengo, Buttapietra, Caldiero...
Italian Artists and Critics
Valitse suomenkielinen teksti. =Welcome to the Pohjanmaa Geni project!=====The Pohjanmaa project includes the regions of Southern Ostrobothnia, Central Ostrobothnia, Ostrobothnia and Northern Ostrobothnia . In addition. Locations are listed below.=How to join us:= If you are already in Geni: select Actions> Join the project. If you are not in Geni: (1) Sign up for Geni's free version at Geni.c...
Centenarians 100 ~ hundred ~ C ~ hundert ~ Jahrigen~Centenaires~Signerad EN : Until recently, living to 100 was considered a rare phenomenon. Within the past few years, however, with several hundred people reaching the century mark each month, scientists and laypeople alike are beginning to look upon these oldest of the old as beacons guiding us to a new, longer lived age. DE : Bis vor kurzem...
The Order of the Red Banner of Labour (Russian: Орден Трудового Красного Знамени, romanized: Orden Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni) was an order of the Soviet Union established to honour great deeds and services to the Soviet state and society in the fields of production, science, culture, literature, the arts, education, sports, health, social and other spheres of labour activities. It is the labou...
Ristiina (ruots. Kristina) on entinen Suomen kunta, joka sijaitsi Etelä-Savon maakunnassa. Ristiina liittyi osaksi Mikkeliä vuonna 2013. Ristiina (Raahelinna, Braheslott, Kristina, Brahelinna, Braheburg) kuuluu Savon vanhimpiin asutusalueisiin, vaikkei se olekaan Savon vanhimpia pitäjiä. 1534–1634 Ristiina kuului Savonlinnan linnalääniin ja Olavinlinnan voudin alaisuuteen. Tällöin oli Pellos...
Projekti aloitettu 5.8.2017 Haapavesi (entinen nimi Haapajärvi, Pyhäjoen srk. kappeliseurakunta v. 1863 asti.)[7][8][9][10] on Suomen kaupunki, joka sijaitsee Pyhäjoen varrella Pohjois-Pohjanmaan maakunnassa, Oulun Eteläisessä. Haapaveden naapurikunnat ovat Haapajärvi, Kärsämäki, Nivala, Oulainen, Raahe, Siikalatva ja Ylivieska. in English vanhimmat ihmisestä kertovat löydöt ovat kivikaudelta...
Projekti aloitettu 1.8.2017
17 dec 2022
Tavoitteena mahdollisimman laadukas sukupuu Projektissamme haluamme kiinnittää erityistä huomiota tiedon laatuun ja lähdetietojen näkyvyyteen. Mahdolliset virheet on suositeltavaa korjata, ja otamme mielellämme vastaan tietoja niistä. Toivottavaa on, että projektiin liitettäviin profiileihin laitettaisiin sellaiset lähdetiedot, joiden avulla muut käyttäjät pystyvät yksiselitteisesti tunnistamaa...
Please also join us to our discussion group in Facebook: Keski-Suomen, Pirkanmaan ja Hämeen suvut == ===The historical province of Tavastia (Keski-Suomi, Pirkanmaa ja Häme)===The province has been inhabited since the Stone Age. During the late Middle Ages was agriculture slowly introduced to the northern parts of the province. Northern Tavastia was for a long time a wilderness inhabited by Sami...
Pirkkalaiset eli pirkkamiehet tai pirkat (ruots. birckarlar) olivat Tornion, Luulajan ja Piitimen pitäjissä asuneita, suurelta osin savolais-, karjalais- ja hämäläistaustaisia talonpoikia, joilla oli historialliseen kaupankäyntiin perustuva vahvistettu oikeus verottaa saamelaisia ja käydä kauppaa heidän kanssaan. Pirkkalaisten lapinverotuksen ja -kaupan juuret olivat syvällä rautakaudessa, mutt...
Civilian pilots fly aircraft of all types privately for pleasure, charity, or in pursuance of a business, or commercially for non-scheduled (charter) and scheduled passenger and cargo air carriers (airlines), corporate aviation, agriculture (crop dusting, etc.), forest fire control, law enforcement, etc. When flying for an airline, pilots are usually referred to as airline pilots, with the pilo...
Businesspeople (also businessmen or businesswomen ) are people involved in a particular undertaking of activities for the purpose of generating revenue from a combination of human, financial, and physical capital. List of notable businesspeople Aerospace industry Jeff Preston Bezos (1964- ) USA Elon Musk , South Africa Thomas O Paine (1921-1992) USA Advertising Leo Burnett (1891 ...
Find A Grave ( ) is a free online crowd-sourced resource for finding the final resting place of family, friends, and famous individuals. With millions of names and photos, it is an invaluable tool for the genealogist and the family history buff. It is not considered an authoritative reference. Content and features Find A Grave memorials can contain rich content including p...
All descendants of the Founder of the Portuguese Monarchy, King D.Afonso I Henriques are formally invited to join this project Biography of the First King of Portugal Afonso I of Portugal; born 1106, 1109 or 1111; died 1185), also called Afonso Henriques, nicknamed the Conqueror (Portuguese: O Conquistador)[1][2] by the Portuguese, and El-Bortukali (in Arabic البرتقالي "the Portuguese") and ...
Welcome to join Pudasjärvi locality project=You can join us by selecting Actions> Join the project And by the way, are you already in Pohjanmaa - Ostrobothnia Geni project !? Please join also it. You can add to project your Geni-persons who were born or lived in Pudasjärvi. See the list here Remember always to respect privacy. Also respect copyrights, for example, by appropriately referring to...
A group focused on Italian Politicians
Tervetuloa rakentamaan Lammia asutuksi Genissä! Lammi on entinen Kanta-Häme en maakunnan kunta, 2009 se liitettiin osaksi Hämeenlinnan kaupunkia. Lammin seurakunta on perustettu noin 1410, emäseurakunnaksi 1435. Lammiin on kuulunut myös Kosken kappeli, joka erotettiin 1870 omaksi pitäjäkseen (myöh. Hämeenkoski). Lammin pitäjä annettiin annekseksi Porvoon piispalle 29.8.1740 ja vapautettiin sii...