I am related to all the Presidents of the U.S. but not through King John. My connection is basically through the Southard branch. Thomas Southard married Annica Antonise van Salee, who was the eldest daughter of Anthony Jansen van Salee and the connections stems from them one way or another down through my G-G-Grandmother Priscilla, where for the Bush Presidents the link is with the Brunner's of which William was her second husband. Am also connected to Thomas Blossom.
In the British Islands we are connected to the Plantagenets, Stuarts, Tutors, Winsors, etc. Also am connected to Winston Churchill, T.S. Elliot, Lady Gadiva, Diana Spencer and many others I can't remember.
I am amazed at the people that my family has throughout the world and back to around 99AD. Charlemagne, Vladimer I of Kiev, Charles Martel, Dagabert I, and many others.