Erica Howton, how do we subdevide the format from the wiki link i added as a finding aid? do we have a seperate section for those say punished for sexual behavior? in the project overview it says Under the law of the United Kingdom, high treason is the crime of disloyalty to the Crown. Offences constituting high treason include plotting the murder of the sovereign; having sexual intercourse with the sovereign's consort, with his eldest unmarried daughter, or with the wife of the heir to the throne; levying war against the sovereign and adhering to the sovereign's enemies, giving them aid or comfort; and attempting to undermine the lawfully established line of succession. Several other crimes have historically been categorised as high treason, including counterfeiting money and being a Catholic priest.
High treason was formerly distinguished from petty treason, a treason committed against a subject of the sovereign, the scope of which was limited by statute to the murder of a legal superior. Petty treason comprised the murder of a master by his servant, of a husband by his wife, or of a bishop. Petty treason ceased to be a distinct offence from murder in 1828. so i guess we just lump them all in under one roof regardles of the offfense?
Basicly how do we seperate Guy Fawkes from
Sir George Boleyn, 2nd Viscount Rochford's atemped adultery with queen anne?
Erica Howton also since we are on the subject of executed in britian Mary I, Queen of Scots Mary I, Queen of Scots would be my 13th great grandmother's partner's daughter.
yes i know mary queen of scots is listed. Erica Howton i am looking for something to do if you could give me some guide lines i'd love to help with you allready mentioned one good pointer start off with a alphabetical list.. i will check and see if it's allready mentioned in the data base of the 71 allready there.. basicly http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_who_were_beheaded has a list by country.. i saw england prior to 1707 and that seemed to fit into the requirements... now about the minor details if the mother father and children are unknown i will note that and either you or i will check other sources such as the http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org link you mentioed does that seem fair?
Sir Michael Stanhope of Rampton is also a ancestor of mine..third cousin 13 times removed anyway he is allready in the project wow the more i look at this project the more creepy stuff i am finding.. Lots of skeltons in my family tree!!
there is a list at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_who_were_beheaded for some reason it will not let me copy the whole list into a new discussion so we can alphabeticly pick and choose .. hmm..
anyway i checked the list they had against what was in the project and Anne Boleyn and other popular names were taken so i guess i will start with b.. since i posted the link to the list it shouldn't be so hard i don't think