As datas de nascimento não ajudam a esclarecer pois João Fernandes nasceu em 1351 e tanto John of Aviz quanto Juan I Enriquez, king of Castile and Leon nasceram em 1358.
Looks like there might be a bug in Geni. I merged profiles (you can see that in Revisions - Mar 20, 2011 at 2:11 PM here: João Fernandes Pacheco, senhor de Ferreira de Aves
and the About Me came over from the other profile. The revision history from the old profile appears to have been lost.
Mike Stangel can you look into bringing revision history across when profiles are merged?
Brendan, there was other "João Fernandes Pacheco" in the medieval Portugal history. There was a very troubled political time between Spain and Portugal, because both kings dispute the kingdom, and there are references to this João Fernandes Pacheco (maried with Inês Teles de Menezes) in the "Os Lusíadas", the great epic poem writed by Luis Vaz de Camões, as a follower of John, the first of Portugal. I will search the old profile. Thanks for your colaboration.
Brendan it's not as easy as what you're asking. Technical reasons aside, I'm not sure it makes sense for you to see revisions that don't match the data you're actually seeing on the profile. For example, if Juan is merged into João and the latter first name is preserved, it would be confusing if the most recent revision involving the first name field said "Juan" -- the last revision for a field should match its current value.
I do think we need to find a way to expose the revision history of profiles that have been merged in, but for reasons both technical and like the problem above, I don't think it makes sense to lump them all together.
Brendan, - only the revision history for what becomes the main profile is displayed. This is an old issue, and as far as I know the other revisions are not lost, - but I really don't understand how all revision histories should be displayed, and I assume the Geni developers have hit the same problem.
Merging them and sorting the list on date would make a totally weird confusing list since two adjacent revisions could come from two profiles, and displaying them separately and showing 774 different revisions on Charlemagne would be weird as well.
I think current situations is the best, - it is only the last revisions that is interesting anyhow and the remaining should just be removed.
Mike, with the amount of work you guys have done on the site, I don't assume anything not done is easy :)
I hear what you're saying and understand the reasons. In this case though, the only "About Me" revision makes it look like I entered it. It's not clear that it came from a merge unless you look at the next entry and realize it's the same minute. The revision history from the old profile is lost.
Maybe the fact that About Me was merged in could have a different message? Instead of "...profile was updated by Brendan Molloy. about me", maybe it could say something like "...profile was updated by Brendan Molloy. about me - merged profiles" or some other way to identify it?
Look, my only doubt is about what was write in the item "ocupation" that mismatch the text of the profile. The ocupation is "Guarda Mayor de Don Juan I de Castilla" and in the text says "Guarda Mayor de Don Juan I de Portugal. At the time, both kings are Juan (and João), The First. One of Castilla and nthe other one of Portugal, and there was a war between both kingdom. Is it that causes my doubts, because I think that there are a confusion between Spain and Portugal and I think that must to be corrected.
Excuse my bad english, but I try to do my best. Regards.
I saw the mismatch because i'm looking for my family roots. In this case, I think that any one is mnore carefull than another one that only merges the profile. I agree Mike, because is easy to be confused with little details as The same surname and very similar chritian name at langages similar ( like Juan and Joao ) and the last Mike's solution seems a good idea.
Best regards and thanks for your attention.
José Maria Eça de Queiroz, encontrei a história de João Fernandes! Vou inserir a página como documento do perfil. Leia lá e ajude a interpretar porque é bem confusa... :-)