Started by Private User on Friday, November 2, 2012
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Private User
11/2/2012 at 4:00 AM

Admission to the Freedom of Dublin could be obtained via the following:
(s)-Admission by Service-apprenticeship in one of the Trade Guilds of Dublin.
(b)-Admission by Birth-granted to sons and daughters of Free Citizens
(M)-Admission by Marriage-granted to the sons-in-laws of Free Citizens.
(ff)-Admission by Fine-prosperous professional men who were required to pay
money into city treasury.
( by Special Grace-conferred on dignitaries and craftsmen who
were not members of a Guild.
(A.P.)-Admission by Act of Parliament-passed in 1661 to 'encourage Protestant
strangers and others to inhabit and plant in the Kingdom of Ireland.'

Admission was granted at the great feasts of Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and

Car II Chr Dumeery Carolus coquus A.P.
1669 Mich Delange Anthonis m'cat A.P.
1669 Mich Destre Nicholaus fabferr' A.P.
1670 Pas' Desmyneiers Judith spinster b. (daughter of Lodovic Demynieres, Esq.,
late Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin.)
1670 Pas' Detash Johes ingraver A.P.
1670 Mid D'Amour Johes mercat A.P.
1670 Mid Demilly Paul gen' A.P.
1670 Mid Demynieres Petrus b. (son of Lodovic Demynieres, late Lord Mayor)
1670 Mid Demynieres Elizabetha spinster b. (daughter of said Lord Mayor)
1670 Mid Demynieres Benedictus b. (son of said Lord Mayor)
1676 Chr Desmineres Samuel m'cat b. (son of John Desmineres, alderman)
1676 Chr Duchemin Nichus m'cat ff.
1678 Mid Destree Isaac tallowchandler ff.
1679 Chr Dallans Peter glover A.P.
1681 Chr Dutemps Jacobus textor French Protestant
1682 Pas' Demostrers henric' brazier French Protestant
1682 Pas' Destraches Michael' calcear' French Protestant
1682 Pas' Dugast Johes linen weaver French Protestant
1682 Pas' Dugast Oliver linen weaver French Protestant
1682 Pas' Desouches Claud tanner & currier French Protestant
1682 Pas' Dubois Lodovis chandler French Protestant
1682 Pas' Du Bray Johes confectioner French Protestant
1682 Pas' Dainan Petrus notar' French Protestant
1682 Mich Delamartiniere David scissor French Protestant
1682 Mich Du Bois Paulus ropemaker French Protestant
1682 Mich David Josua shipcarpenter French Protestant
1683 Pas' Dugast Stephus watchcasemaker French Protestant
1686 Mid De Condre Stephen wine cooper A.P. Native of France
1686 Mid De Bord james confectioner A.P. Native of France
1686 Mid De Bord James confectioner A.P. Native of France
1688 29-Mar Denoe Julian furrier ff.
1688 27-Apr Demynieres Peter merchant ff.
1692 Mid Destarr Abraham' mercat s.
1693 Mich Delawne Jacobus mercat A.P.
1693 Mich Dumas William scissor French Protestant
1694 G. et M. Mid Destournell Phillip junctor' French Protestant
1694 Guli' Chr Desterre Jn mercator b. son of Isaac Desterre, tallowchandler
1694 Guli' Chr Debrus Daniel scissor French Protestant
1697 Mich Dolier Isaac merchant
1698 Mich Devicor Thos weaver A.P.
1699 Chr Darquier Johes perrukmaker
1700 Mich Dunow Anthony goldsmith A.P.
1700 Chr Dillanlouse David weaver A.P.
1701 Mich De Recandon Samuel merchant
1702 Chr Drycout John barbor ff. Gloves
1702 East Denovile John Alexandr chirugn ff. Gloves
1704 Chr Dumas Peter merchant A.P.
1704 Chr Dupont David mercht A.P.
1705 East Darblad Daniel brazier A.P.
1706 East Dolland John carpenter s.
1709 Mid Desmynieres Mark mercht s.
1711 Mid Doyenne Nicolas dyer ff. Gloves
1711 Chr Desouches Isaac currier s. (apprentice of Claud Desouches)
1713 Mid Daniel Constantin baker
1714 Mich Ducosseau Michael goldsmith
1717 Midd Darrigrand James, gent. surgeon ff. Gloves
1719 Chr Desouch Isaac weaver
1719 Chr Desouch James weaver
1721 Mid Duprie Stephen paint' s.
1723 Pas' De Lescale Vincent mercht A.P.
1724 Mid Dezouche Claudius hatter s.
1724 Chr Diggs als. Latouche David mercht s. (apprentice of David LaTouche)
1724 Chr Dupont David mercht b. (son of David Dupont)
1725 Mid Darquire Wm mercht A.P. (vid Chr 1749 by
1726 Pas' Dupa Thos. protestant strangr & taylor A.P.
1726 Pas' Dupa Peter protestant strangr & taylor A.P.
1727 9-May Durand Petrus chand' A.P.
1727 Mid De Rosett Andr barg' chirg' ff. Gloves
1727 21-Aug Delemazier Saml protestant strangr A.P.
1727 Chr Dolon Peter hatter ff. Gloves
1727 Chr De Haynin John Baptist protestant & trader A.P.

1682 Pas' Escossay Elijah fablign' A.P.
1682 Mich Emery Daniel carver French Protestant
1685 Ja' II Chr Eveille John weaver A.P.
1694 G. Chr. Escourt Rubus mercat A.P.
1700 Mich Empaita Joseph frameworkknitter A.P.
1719 Mid Espinass Wm pandoxat' ff. Gloves

11/2/2012 at 4:56 AM

Du Bois is a prominent Dutch early American NJ - Ohio family that my 3rd great uncle who was a Van Kowenhoven (Conover) was dead ended from on his mother's side. Like the Pettigrews were Scotch Irish. (Petigru).

11/2/2012 at 4:56 AM

Sorry. Spell check. Descended from.

Private User
11/2/2012 at 5:21 AM

Hatte Blejer would love to look in to the Dutch side for you

11/2/2012 at 8:07 AM

Daniel Benjamin Du Bois Here is one of the Du Bois from New Jersey (Freehold) who moved to Ohio in what was called the Jersey Settlement. From what I can tell, they were members of the Dutch Reform Church in Freehold and intermarried with the Van Kowenhoven and other Dutch families. There's at least one site devoted to their family tree I believe.

11/2/2012 at 8:09 AM

Louis Du Bois "The Patentee" Aha - here is his immigrant ancestor.

11/2/2012 at 8:11 AM

See the About Me of Louis Du Bois. I only recently paid attention to this family due to my third great aunt Sarah Davis Conover marrying Peter Conover, whose mother was a Du Bois. They raised my gg grandmother, Sarah's half-sister in Franklin, Warren, Ohio in the Jersey Settlement. My great grandmother would go and stay with them.

11/2/2012 at 8:28 AM

So interesting. Dutch families from New York settled Southern New Jersey and then those same families settled areas of Ohio. My connection is that my ggg grandmother was supposedly brought up in the Freehold community with the Mintz and Bennett families, supposedly both "Dutch", although Mintz might have been German. She married a Bennett and had a child. He died, she married a Mintz and had another child. The child of her first marriage married Peter Conover (a Van Kowenhoven and Du Bois descendant). Her maiden name was Davis but it's interesting that she seems to have been associated with the Dutch Reform Church members.

Private User
11/2/2012 at 8:32 AM

Thanks Hatte Blejer will make an attempt to find something in the Netherlands :)

Private User
11/2/2012 at 9:23 AM

What an interesting list! Thanks, Anne-Marie. Very few of my Huguenots I'm currently working on went through Ireland (only one family so far) but as I start new families, I'll check the list to see if they left family behind in Ireland.

11/2/2012 at 11:25 AM

I don't know if you've seen the Pettigrew sites Private User. They went first to Scotland and then to Ireland -- at least Pettigrew did -- I believe Antrim. I put the links in their About Mes. As for my own direct ancestors -- Petticrew -- the family has been arguing about whether they emigrated from Scotland or Ireland but our family story is that they are cousins of the Pettigrew and DNA evidence apparently has just borne this out. Since they settled with the Scotch-Irish and appear to have immigrated with the Scotch-Irish, I would bet 90% that they were in Ireland prior to their immigration to PA and then VA.

Apparently the Pettigrews went to Scotland fairly early.

Private User
11/2/2012 at 11:41 AM

Yes I am on the look out for the Pettigrews found some in Dublin early 1800's probably also the Huguenot descendants but need to find the first Pettigrew in Ireland and this could indeed be in the Northern part of Ireland.
If I find them I hope to connect them to the Dublin Pettigrews who were all Esquires

11/2/2012 at 1:36 PM

My cousin Bev Kline has done a lot of research on Irish Pettigrews and if you Google Pettigrew and/or Petticrew and Ireland, you'll come across her posts in genealogy forums. When I have time, I'll try to summarize her findings. Our other cousin Gary Petticrew points to records in Scotland as from our ancestors. From what I read about the Pettigrews with a G, some stayed in Scotland and some went to Ireland.

Private User
11/2/2012 at 1:55 PM

Think I have seen them yes, I noticed the Huguenots went over and back between Scotland and Ireland a lot( the ones in the Northern counties of Ireland) There is a pattern developing

Private User
11/2/2012 at 1:59 PM

I have ordered three books in my local library about the Irish Huguenots, they need to be send down from the main library but I should have them within a week or so, promising titles with hopefully loads of names and places .

Private User
11/3/2012 at 2:45 AM

Hatte Blejer Hatte, I am trying to gather information about the Pettigrew family found mention of the marriage of James born April in Crilly House, that his wife was Mary Higginbotham daughter of Captain George Higginbotham and his wife Rachel from '' The Grange '' Estate not Mary Cochran . Mary was also born in 1713

The family seem to have originated in France allright but it is possible they were already in Scotland in the late 1400's but you probably know that already :)

Private User
11/3/2012 at 2:49 AM

Might have been handy if I also gave the source of the above ''mention''' :)

Penelope Johnson Allen
State Chairman of Genealogical Records, Tennessee Society DAR you might have read this multiple times already but just in case.

Private User
11/3/2012 at 2:58 AM

About the Du Bois,

The earliest Dutch record I can find so far is a marriage

Source Dutch national archives
Trouwboek ( marriage registrations)
Church : Collegiate Church of New York
Date of marriage 06-11-1687
Religion NDG Netherlands Dutch Reformed
Place Nieuw Amsterdam-New York
groom Jan Tibout
grooms residence : Haarlem the Netherlands
bride Hester Dubois
brides residence : Haarlem
Former wife groom : Sara van der Vlucht
Former husband bride : Claude Lemaistre

Private User
11/3/2012 at 3:01 AM

More records for Collegiate Church of New York here :

11/3/2012 at 2:43 PM

Yes, I've seen Penelope Johnson Allen. I linked the South Carolina Pettigrews' About Me to her site. That was the one I hoped that you had seen.

Very interesting source, the Collegiate Church of New York. I stayed away from New Amsterdam previously but now with the overlap of the Huguenot , Scottish, Ulster Scots, and Dutch both in the Old World and profoundly in the New World, it's relevant to me personally.

Pettigrew married Gibert. Gibert being the founding family of New Bordeaux, the Huguenot colony in South Carolina. And in the books I am reading, they note how William Pettigrew's wife spoke French but William did not understand a word of it since he was by that time Scotch-Irish / American. But the Pettigrews kept their stories about their French heritage, just as my Petticrew family did. I'll find what my great grandmother (Petticrew) told my mother and email it to you.

One thing I'm trying to understand is marriage patterns in the New World. People tended to marry within their own group but Du Bois and Van Kowenhoven were within the same group although Du Bois was Huguenot in origin. Rev. Du Bois was the minister of the Dutch Reform Church in Freehold, Monmouth, NJ.

And the Huguenots in South Carolina married the Scotch-Irish. They were both Presbyterian. Did they attend the same churches?

And in New Jersey were the Bennetts and Mintz Dutch? Why did my ggg grandmother grow up with Bennett and Mintz and marry them. How assimilated were they by that time? Her last name is Davis and the Davis families in Southern New Jersey are said to be Welsh or Irish and to have come from Long Island, NY.

Private User
11/3/2012 at 3:15 PM

No when I said ' I had seen them'' I meant the forum posts about the Pettigrews.
To be honest I do not have the slightest clue about marriage patterns in the new world , in the Netherlands and here in Ireland it seems that the early Huguenots mainly married their own , the second generation started to mingle a bit more.

Private User
11/3/2012 at 5:11 PM

Hatte, in South Carolina, by the early 1700's, they WERE worshipping in the same churches.

In my study of Daniel Huger, I using the Clemson thesis [], it becomes clear how this all came to be. The English (or Scots-Irish) settlers felt that the Huguenots got preferential treatment and tried to bar them from trades, public office, etc. The Huguenots responded by petitionin to be British citizens in c.1697.

This gave the Huguenots too much power, so the non-French passed The Church Act of 1706 established Anglicanism as the official state religion of Carolina and required all members of the Commons House of Assembly to conform to the worship and rituals of the Church of England.

The Huguenots met the Scots-Irish girls in church and married them.

11/3/2012 at 6:17 PM

In New Amsterdam and Charleston SC there are still Huguenot churches. But Huguenots out married practically from arrival in the New World - and obviously in New Amsterdam with Dutch origin. I believe Huguenot churches folded into Dutch Reformed.

My Wooldridge (English) family married Huguenot in Virginia. The father at first objected but grandchildren changed his mind.

11/3/2012 at 6:26 PM

Anne-Marie interesting point about the Huguenots being more "to their own" in the UK. I think this might be because of more generations there. In the US there were a couple of dedicated communities - I looked into the ones in NY - but they integrated and assimilated here early and were tremendously respected and needed for their skills and educational level. And frankly Americans were mostly Prostestant "dissenters" in origin so the big issues would have been in Catholic Maryland, not the other colonies.

Private User
4/1/2015 at 12:05 PM

Interesting...trying to learn how and when our (Newcomen) Watts family intermarriage with Huguenot Desmyniere family

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