I'd like to revisit this:
M.Boucher. (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA 125. p 119 says:
"It is possible that the refugee Louis Cordier came from the Orleanais. There was a Louis Cordier at Blois, but the name appears among the Catholic baptisms of that town. The son of a master lace-maker Louis Cordier, Snr and his wife Jeanne Cordier he was baptized on March 29, 1656. [Ms. T 75, A. TROUESSART (comp.), Registres de Saint-Solenne, B, II, 1652-1696: p. 48 (Bibl. mun. Blois) … Jeanne married Mathieu Frachas... The Frachas farm, however, was named Orleans, [121. BOTHA, French refugees, p. 118] a city with which he had no apparent connection. Was it perhaps chosen with reference to the French background of his wife’s father? There is some evidence to suggest that Francoise Martinet was from north-eastern France … The Cordier background, however, remains uncertain. He could possibly have come from the north-east like his wife; [He has been placed firmly in that area by S.F. DU TOIT (‘Hugenote- families uit Noord-Frankryk; hier en.. .daar’, Bulletin, Huguenot Society of South Africa, 4, 1966, p. 13). We may note, somewhat to the south, the Louis Cordier of Meaux, condemned to death, but sent to the galleys (HAAG and HAAG, France protestante, IV, pp. 58-59)]..again, a Cordier family lived at Espenel, near Pontaix in Dauphine, the Cape minister Pierre Simond’s home province. [E 5411, David Marcel, Actes, Pontaix, 1660-1674: Sept. 28, 1666, f. 186 (AD Drome).]… Simond may have recommended Louis Cordier as an elder at Drakenstein in 1691 because he was a fellow-Dauphinois, although of the other members of the first consistory there only Pierre Meyer came from that province. He may equally have been chosen as a man familiar with the Dutch language, a circumstance which would suggest a longer acquaintance with the United Provinces than had most Cape refugees. There were certainly Cordiers at Haarlem as early as 1627.[ BOTHA, French refugees, p. 38.] One thing, however, is certain. The Paris silk-weaver Jacques Cordier, in London and Amsterdam before the revocation, was not, on the evidence submitted by A.P. Hands and Irene Scouloudi, related to the Cape family.[ French Protestant refugees, p. 62. See also BOTHA, French refugees, pp. 63; 68.]"
We even have Louis Snr coming to SA and dying in Paarl? https://www.geni.com/discussions/159623 - although I;m guessing this is a mash up with Louis SV/Prog