Edward IV of England - Edward IV written by me with ancestry holding copyright

Started by Judith Bateman on Friday, March 1, 2013
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In a quiet corner of Rouen,not far from the cathedral, on the 28th April, 1422, the wife of Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York, Cicely Neville gave birth to her second son, Edward, There was some speculation later that Edward was illegitimate, but many historians believed that this was propaganda spread by his younger opponents. The King, Henry VI was unstable and with his vengeful Queen, Margaret D Anjou, the country was going through troubled times. Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York had a strong genealogical claim on the throne and a series of battles broke out called The Wars of the Roses. At eighteen Edward was already an outstanding soldier, but he saw his father and Edmund of Rutland , his older brother, killed at the Battle of Wakefield (1460). Their heads were stuck on the spikes of Micklegate in York and stunned and with a murderous rage., with the help of his cousin, Warwick the Kingmaker, Edward marched on London and took the throne. Edward was crowned King at nineteen and was the tallest monarch at 6 feet 4 inches that Britain has ever seen. He was large-limbed and prone to putting on weight, but in his youth he was an Adonis, very like his grandson, Henry VIII. He had a long, oval face, with glistening fair hair, his eyes were narrowed and alert and the only concession to his ruthlessness in his portraits was the way Edward compressed his lips. His good looks and charm made him irresistible to women, and he took his pleasure indiscriminately. Warwick, still believing Edward was his puppet, pressed him to marry a European princess. But Edward was alienated from Warwick when he married a Lancastrian widow, Elizabeth Woodville, at Grafton Regis in 1464. They were happily married for 17 years. Warwick resented the marriage and with the help of Edwards disaffected younger brother, the Duke of Clarence, he attacked the kings army. The main part of Edward Ivs army ( with the King absent ) was defeated in 1469 and Edward was captured at Olney. But there was a counter-rebellion and Warwick was forced to release Edward. In 1470 Warwick and Clarence rebelled again and made an alliance with Henry VI and Margaret D Anjou making Edwards position untenable. Henry VI was briefly restored to the throne and Edward took refuge in Burgundy with his youngest brother, Richard of Gloucester. With the help of his brother-in-law, Charles of Burgundy, Edward raised an army to win back his kingdom. The city of York then opened its gates to him and he marched on London. He took Henry VI prisoner,. and killed Warwick at the Battle of Barnet and, never defeated on the field of battle, killed the remaining Lancastrians at The Battle of Tewkesbury in 1471. The Lancastrian heir, Edward of Westminster was executed for insulting Edward IV and Henry VI died mysteriously a few days later, some said of “melancholy”. Clarence was ordered to be drowned in a vat of malmsey. After a very profligate time, Edward IV died very suddenly in 1483 aged forty-one.His eldest son became Edward V, but due to a coidicil in Edward Ivs will, Richard of Gloucester assumed the role of Lord Protector. Richard III then usurped the throne and passed the law of “Titulus Regius” which stated that Edward IV had been precontracted to Eleanor Talbot, before marrying Elizabeth Woodville, thus making Edward Ivs children illegitimate. Sick with worry, Elizabeth handed over Edward V and Richard of Shrewsbury to be put in the tower. They never came out again.

@I am stunned to find that by blood line goes back that far to Edward 1V of England he is my 15th grt uncle my line is Judy Rice, Arthur Rice my father,Israel Tekarihoken Rice his father Pierre Atawenrate Rice his father, Ignace Awennaietha Deer Rice his father, Marie Madeleine Kiatawinon Deer Rice his mother,Thomas aka Atonwa Aronhiowonen her father, Silas Rice his father,Edmund Rice his father,Elizabeth Rice (King) his mother, Anne King her mother, Henry Collins her father, Ralph Collen his father,Margaret Seymour his mo ther, Anne Poyntz her mother,Margaret Woodville her mother,Anthony Wydville 2nd Earl of Rivers her father, Elizabeth Woodville, Queen consort of England Judy Rice

Congratulations on your line going back as far as Edward IV. Thats really good going. Judy. I wonder if its your skill at uncovering so much history or just good luck with your genes?

My 15rh GGF through his daughter Elizabeth deLumley. Am always fascinated when I am descended through the illigitimate and legitimate children on both my Mom's and Dad's side but in this instance only Dad's-through the Dunham's. Never realized before that the 2 little princes were my Great Uncles too sad

Congratulations on Edward IV being your 15th GGF. I guess it is alarming to think that Richard III would murder his nephews out of expediency after he usurped the throne in 1483

Not proven that he did murder them. If he had, he would surely have announced their sad death from natural causes, which left him deeply grieving. In my view the likely murderer is the Duke of Buckingham, who was Constable of the Tower of London, who had a claim to the throne himself and who launched a rebellion against Richard III to try to assert that claim. If neither Richard nor Henry VII knew for certain what had happened to the Princes this explains why they said nothing until more or less the end of Henry's reign. (After all, Henry had to face the rebellions by Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck, who claimed to be the Princes and one of whom was "recognised" as such by Elizabeth Woodville. If Henry could have produced the bodies or fingered Richard for their deaths, he had every reson to do so).

Youre quite right Woodman, its something that has always polarised opinion. Indeed there have been discussions where Richardian barristers have found the King innocent.during the 1970s, But the fact remains that Edward V and Richard of Shrewsbury were not seen alive after 1483. Its quite possible that the Duke of Buckingham was responsible, but I thought Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck were easily discounted. Its possible that Richard III ordered the Constable of the Tower to kill the boys, but Richard III was extremely ruthless like Edward IV .It is likely to me that he murdered his nephews because "Absolute power corrupts" and he saw the folly of having a weak young King after troubled times

Richard wasn't half as ruthless as he should have been. He could have saved his crown and his life by chopping off a few MORE heads - Lord Stanley's, for instance. The Stanleys were undoubtedly involved up to their ears in the 1483 revolt - Lord Stanley was married to Henry Tudor's mother, and she was fingered at the time as a co-conspirator. But Richard just turned her over to her husband for safe-keeping(!!!) and let the Stanleys go on plotting. They repaid his clemency by betraying him at the Battle of Bosworth.

As for Edward, it's a toss-up whether he or Charles II was the most lecherous king England has ever had. Both of them cut a wide swath through the womenfolk, and neither one was succeeded by any legitimate offspring - Charles because he didn't have any (Queen Catherine was unfortunately barren), and Edward because he had fatally compromised the legitimacy of his by his clandestine marriage and broken pre-contract. (The short of it is, he'd promised to marry one lady, never did so, and then later snuck off and married another.)

Yes, the Stanleys fatally betrayed Richard III at Bosworth Field in 1485 causing the King to make his suicidal headlong challenge towards Henry Tudor only to be cut down in a murderous attack and stripped naked, his lacerated body paraded through Leicester.As for Charles II and Edward IV, well, if youve got it, flaunt it, but Im a bit biased about Edward

"The Earl of Rochester wrote a memorable poem about Charles II :"Restless he rolls from whore to whore, a merry monarch, scandalous and poor".

He wrote a lot of memorable poems abou Charles II, most of them unprintable.

The extempore one I like is:
"Here lies the sovereign lord our King, whose promise none relies on;
Who never said a foolish thing, nor ever did a wise one"

(To which Charles said: "Very true, for my words are my own, but my actions are my ministers' "

I like your lines from the Earl of Rochester, Woodman. I might be wrong, but I believe his verse went out of fashion for a long time, only to resurface and be championed by Graham Greene and Ezra Pound.

Yes - but so much of it was so obscene that anyone publishing it would have been prosecuted up to the 1960s.

You re quite right, Woodman, I am not a great fan of his poetry, it just illustrates Charles IIs licentiousness very well. I suppose if you re going to have bawdy poetry, then it might as well be Chaucer, although, I dont understand the English of that day.

I am related to Geoffrey Chaucer, although Ive never read his work, and Erica Howton is related to Vita Sackville- West. Is anyone related to a famous novelist?

This is so interesting. Edward IV is my 16th GGF. There is a wonderful piece of historical fiction about the war of the Roses called The Sunne in Splendour by Sharon K Penman. She does really in depth historical research and paints an alternative picture of the relationship of Richard the Third and Edward and the fate of the nephews. Highly recommended.

Oh wonderful piece of work.

Edward IV of England is your 14th great grandmother's 1st husband.

Im glad to see such enthusiasm for work about Richard III and Edward IV, Congratulations on your relationships to Edward IV - Ive always loved the title "The Sunne in Splendour" and the book itself. But my real favourite work about the Plantagenets and Richard III as the Young Duke of Gloucester, is Rosemary Hawley Jarmans lyrical "We Speak no Treason"

Judith, I have a pile of books to read about our ancestors. Trouble is that a certain name pops up and I feel obliged to refer to my computer and check my relationship to that person, or my husband's as hubby's 9th grt grandfather was the brother of my 9th gt grandmother! I find getting through a book slow going! I also have a drawer full of DVDs all relating to ancestors of mine. We are truly lucky to be related to so many famous people of the past.

I found one miserable rotter who deprived us of our wealth! He was known as Edward Hungerford the Spendthrift and he had to sell the family properties, lands and even the castle thanks to his spendthrift and gambling mode of life. I hate that one!

What made me a committed Ricardian was Josephine Tey's classic "The Daughter of Time" (laid-up modern detective investigates the case of the Princes as if it were a current event, and comes to surprising conclusions).

Anne, Im sorry you have a renegade relation. I hope you can forget if not forgive, Kind regards, Judith

Hi, Maven, Yes, I liked "The Daughter of Time". The laid-up detective has been used to great effect since, hasnt it? Particularly in Colin Dexters last Morse book, the one where we found out that the detectives first name was "Endeavour". What a let-down!, Very best wishes, Judith

Eliabeth of York was extremely beautiful and fair like Her mother, her long blonde hair flowing down her back. She wore a pointed gold head piece like Katherine of Aragons framing her youthful slightly chubby face and steady wistful gaze. The whole effect was of young girl in bloom, partiallly weighed down by the responsibilities of being a monarch. Taken from ancestry about Elizabeth of York, Edward IVs daughter.

I loved "the Daughter of Time"! I had forgotten about that one. Maybe it is time for a reread! I love the description of Elizabeth of York.. through whom my relation to Edward comes...

Pity poor you, Nancy, having to be related to the despicable Henry VII and the monstrous Henry VIII.... :-D

I stop asking questions whenever it looks like I might be getting close to either of them. I just DON'T WANT TO KNOW.

For quite a while there on Geni I was showing as a direct descendant of Mary Boleyn. You can be sure I tracked down that bad merge - I look for brains before beauty, every time. :)

We can't help our ancestors.. we can just hope not to repeat their mistakes.. or else make different ones!

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