Thanks Erica. I just found the how to walk the tree and fixed mine, so I am Rob Roy's 8th Great Niece and his 6th cousin 10 times removed on totally (I thought...lol) separate sides. If anyone else need to know how to do it, I found it typed out here: http://help.geni.com/entries/22296642-Able-to-recalculate-the-Relat...
Walking the Path - and - ?through=nnnn parameter - are also listed on:
Relationship Path - technical difficulties?http://www.geni.com/discussions/119588?msg=857330
Rob Roy MacGregor is my 8th cousin 11 times removed through the Allen line. But I have a great grandfather named Robert Roy who named his first born son Robert MacGregor Roy, so I have a sneaky suspicion I have a more direct relationship to THE Robert Roy in this master profile. However, I am having a lot of trouble tracing that line. Can anyone help me? @ Robert Roy MacGregor