Baron Dr. Hermann Freiherrn von Widerhofer -- ...It was only when the court medical commission headed by Dr. Widerhofer arrived in Mayerling that afternoon that a more accurate cause of death was established, and not until 6 a.m. the following morning of the 31st when Widerhofer made his report to the Emperor, that the true state of affairs became known. The official gazette of Vienna still reported the original story that day: Rudolf, Kronprinz von Österreich-Ungarn, died yesterday at his hunting lodge of Mayerling, near Baden, from the rupture of an aneurism of the heart.. ..There is considerable circumstantial evidence that the Archduke and Marie were murdered by 4 German (Prussian) agents on the instructions of Bismark, the then German chancellor..
Clara Böhm -- ...Researching if he is the same Dr. - who arrived at Clara's (great-great grandmother of Peter Rohel (c)) house on Sunday, January 27th, 1889 in Vienna. In considerable agitation, he told them in confidence that he is just coming from Mayerling, where Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, the 50 year old successor to the Habsburg throne, had just been found dead...