Genghis Khan (Temüjin) Borjigin, Khagan of the Mongol Empire - PROOFS

Started by John Young on Sunday, June 2, 2013
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I am searching for proofs that SUTHOI KHAN is the son of GENGIS KHAN, all I have found so far in my searches is in people's trees, I need more than that, help, please, thank you

As a start maybe take a look at the discussion here

There are, I believe, some good historical biographies of Kublai Khan, his life & times. So maybe another step would be to compile a bibliography and look into them; it should be an active area of scholarship.

You are quite correct to be skeptical of on line trees. But we can do better on Geni.

Erica, thank you, I found those pages last night just before I shut down for the night, those pages are my planned reading for tonight, thank you, Thomas Young

Erica, thank you, I found those pages last night just before I shut down for the night, those pages are my planned reading for tonight, thank you, Thomas Young

@My linage to Genghis Khan is Judy=Arthur Rice my father=Israel Tekarihoken Rice his father=Pierre Atawenrate Rice his father=Ignace Awennaietha Deer Rice his father=Marie Madeleine Kiatawinon Deer Rice his mother=Thomas aka Atonwa Aronhiowonen her father=Silas Rice his father=Edmund Rice his father=Elizabeth Rice ( King)his mother=Anne King her mother=Henry Collins her father=Ralph Collen his father=Margaret Seymour his mother=Anne Poyntz her mother=Margaret Poyntz her mother i hope this helps you out Judy Rice

SEEMS someone is mucking up the lineages again
here is a copy of the right one...


GENGHIS KHAN - is your 26th great grandfather

Suthoi Khan (1180 - d.)

Susan Lynne Schwenger's -- 25th great grandfather
Son of Genghis Khan (Temüjin) Borjigin, Khagan of the Mongol Empire and Бьорте ужин
Husband of Kublai Emperador de China and N.N. Тертероба
Father of Kotian / Kuthen / Köten Khan of Cumania and Сомогур Тертероба
Brother of Jochi Зүчи Khan; Dzsucsi Kán; ЧАТАЛАЙ хан; Ögedei Khan УГЕДЕЙ хан; Toluj Kán; Тулуй хан Tolui Khan; Chichegen Bilgi; Ходжин-бех Чингиз; Чичихан Чингиз; Алангаа (Алагай, Алаха) Чингиз; Темулен Конкират and Алдуун (Алталун) Конкират
Half brother of Gelejian; Кюлхан (Хулуген, Кулкан) Чингизид; Харачар Чингизид and Чахур (Джаур) Чингизид

ᠪᠥᠷᠲᠡ ᠴᠢᠨᠦ᠎ᠠ / Börte Činu-a / 孛兒貼赤那 / Speckled Wolf / 苍狼 is your 48th great grandfather.

Khan Börtä-Tshïno

You - lynne schwenger

Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
your mother

james edward handy
her father

JAMES handy
his father

Marian Ruthven
his mother

her father

his father

his father

his father

John Ruthven
his father

George Ruthven
his father

William Ruthven
his father

William Ruthven
his father

Sir William Ruthven
his father

@Sir William Ruthven, 2nd Lord of Ruthven
his father

Catherine Ruthven
his mother

@Elisabeth Stewart, Countess of Argyll
her mother

@John Stewart, 1st Earl of Atholl
her father

@Joan Beaufort, Queen consort of Scots
his mother

@John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
her father

@John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
his father

@Philippa of Hainault, Queen consort of England
his mother

@Jeanne de Valois
her mother

@Marguerite d'Anjou, princesse de Naples
her mother

@Maria Árpád de Hongrie, regina di Napoli
her mother

@KUN Erzsébet of the Kumans, Queen consort of Hungary
her mother

@Kotian / Kuthen / Köten Khan of Cumania
her father

@Suthoi Khan
his father

@Genghis Khan (Temüjin) Borjigin, Khagan of the Mongol Empire
his father

Yesügei, Baɡatur of Xamag Mongɡol
his father

his father

Qabul Khan (le 2e Khan des mongols)
his father

Tumbinaï-Sätchän (Mafflu-le-Sagace)
his father

Baï-shïngqor-doqshïn (Riche-Faucon-le-Terrible)
his father

Qaidu Khan (Le Ier Khan des mongols)
his father

Qatchï-külük (Durin-le-Brave)
his father

Mänän-Tudun (Vaste-Toudoun) Menen-Tudun
his father

Barïm-sï'ïratu-Qabïtchï (Qabitchi-Courtejambe)
his father

Bodontchar-mungqaq (le-Simplet) fils cadet
his father

his father

脱罗豁勒真伯颜 ᠪᠣᠷᠵᠢᠭᠢᠨ / Borjigin
his father

歹篾尔干 ᠪᠣᠷᠵᠢᠭᠢᠨ / Borjigin
his father

合儿出 ᠪᠣᠷᠵᠢᠭᠢᠨ / Borjigin
his father

挦锁赤 ᠪᠣᠷᠵᠢᠭᠢᠨ / Borjigin
his father

也客你敦 ᠪᠣᠷᠵᠢᠭᠢᠨ / Borjigin
his father

撒里合察兀 ᠪᠣᠷᠵᠢᠭᠢᠨ / Borjigin
his father

阿兀站孛罗温勒 ᠪᠣᠷᠵᠢᠭᠢᠨ / Borjigin
his father

豁里察儿蔑儿干 ᠪᠣᠷᠵᠢᠭᠢᠨ / Borjigin
his father

塔马察 ᠪᠣᠷᠵᠢᠭᠢᠨ / Borjigin
his father

巴塔赤罕 ᠪᠣᠷᠵᠢᠭᠢᠨ / Borjigin
his father

ᠪᠥᠷᠲᠡ ᠴᠢᠨᠦ᠎ᠠ / @Börte Činu-a / 孛兒貼赤那 / Speckled Wolf / 苍狼
his father

ᠪᠥᠷᠲᠡ ᠴᠢᠨᠦ᠎ᠠ /@Börte Činu-a / 孛兒貼赤那
Immediate Family:

Husband of 豁埃馬闌勒 / White Deer
Father of 巴塔赤罕 ᠪᠣᠷᠵᠢᠭᠢᠨ / Borjigin
Added by: 炎黃子孫 on February 19, 2013
Managed by: 炎黃子孫

@豁埃馬闌勒 / White Deer is your 48th great grandmother.
Qo'aï-Maral (Biche-Fauve), of China)

Mongoljin Ho'a / 忙豁勒真豁阿 is your 39th great grandmother.
Mongoljin Ho'a 忙豁勒真豁阿

豁阿 孛罗黑臣 is your 38th great grandmother.
豁阿 孛罗黑臣

Alan-qo'a (Garance-la-Belle) is your 37th great grandmother.
Alan qo'a (Garance~la~Belle)

Daughter of Qörïlartaï-Märgän Noble des Qorï-Tumat (Bon-Viseur des-Vingt) and Barqudjïn-Qo'a (Belle-des-Bargous)
Wife of 朵奔篾儿干 and Dobun-Märgän (Dobun-le-Bon-Viseur)
Mother of Bodontchar-mungqaq (le-Simplet) fils cadet; Buqu-Qatagï (Cerf-le-Dur); Buqatu-Saldjï (Taurin-le-Tors); Bügünütäi (Le-Sorcier) and Bälgünütäi (Le-Présage)

Epouse promise is your 36th great grandmother.

son époux=Bordjïgïn (CLAN DES COLVERTS) is your 35th great grandmother.
Clan of the Colverts

Nomolun-äkä (Douairière) is your 34th great grandmother.
Mong ulun, of China

Nomolun-äkä (in "Histoire Secrète des Mongols") Nomolun-eke is your 33rd great grandmother.

Quaqu'a-qo'a is your 29th great grandmother.

Aicigel Ujin is your 28th great grandmother.
Aicigel Ujin

Hoelun Mère du CINGGIS-QAHAN is your 27th great grandmother.
Hoelun-Eke of Olkhunut
Hoelun Mère du CINGGIS-QAHAN
Birth: circa 1140
Death: Mongolia
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Clan Olqunu'ut and ???
Wife of Jeke- csiledü and Yesügei, Baɡatur of Xamag Mongɡol
Mother of Genghis Khan (Temüjin) Borjigin, Khagan of the Mongol Empire; Temüge; Temulin / Tämülün (Ferrure) Temulin; Kaszar; Djötchi-Qasar (Hôte-le-Molosse); Khasar and Khadjiun/QACIUN (Hechuhegejen) Khaji'un
Added by: Jean Henri Basile Pavloff on November 9, 2008
Managed by: Arne Helstrøm Jørgensen and 7 others
Hoelun-Eke of Olkhunut

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