I had been entering all kinds of spelling variants & nicknames in the Name fields of profiles. One reason was that often if a person's name was listed as "Moritz," for example, and I entered the name "Moric" in the search field, the profile wouldn't be found, so I entered both variants in the Name field. Then I got a reminder from researcher @Benjamin Schoenbrun, that these variants belonged in the Also Known As field. I was skeptical at first, but if I removed the "Moric" variant and saved it in the "AKA" field, I was able to locate the profile with either spelling. So I have been going through countless entries and moving variants and nicknames to the AKA field, which looks so much neater. I've also been doing it for profiles in more distant trees, though feeling a bit intrusive when doing it. If anyone objects to this, please let me know and I'll restrict myself to profiles closer to the main trunk of my tree.