Justin Durand & Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן - need your input here. Rothilde dosn't feature anywhere I can see as a daughter of Lothar i.
Medlands has a Rotrude married to a son of Lambert i though- which Guido is said to be.
Do you think this profile is Rotrude?
Medlands: has Rotrude m ([850/51]) [Lambert II, count of Nantes LAMBERT Comte et Marquis de Nantes], son of LAMBERT [I] Comte et Marquis de Nantes [Guidonen] & his wife [--- of Italy] (-killed in battle 1 May.
So it doesn't seem likely to me that he is Guido
I have an unsourced Rothilda, daughter of Lothar I and married to Guy. She's an MP to deter further merges until I have a chance to check. I have this discussion, which hints that there's a source, perhaps wrong.
If you're working with Guy, note that his supposed wife Judith di Friuli seems to be a misplaced duplicate for his mother. Erroneously placed here by Royalty for Commoners.
Other bits and pieces:
*Rothildis di Spoleto has the name and the Spoleta origin (She's the mother in law of Bertha - d.o. Lothar II)
That's funny 'account deleted' above is the link for Rothildis di Spoleto Rothildis of Spoleta - which seems to be doing an invisible act??
*The About me says "Guido is the son of Lambert I duke of Spoleto"
and Rotrude, Daughter of Lothair I is married to a Lambert - but not of Spoleto as far as I can tell
Might this profile - Lambert's son on our tree: Witbert de Nantes
also be the Wido who we're told was Guido's son? Unlikely, but I thought you might like to look.
Or is there a Lambert brother connection that could be forged?
*Back to Rothildis di Spoleto (whose connector is no longer reading 'account deleted')
She's the sister of Guy I, 2nd duke of Spoleto.
No, I meant that it explains the gray area surrounding the identification of this Rotrude and this Lambert. Witbert seems to be properly placed, if you accept the identification.
I don't see anything in the surrounding profiles -- or anywhere else -- that answers the question about Rothilde. In the link I cited, the first post is someone saying he found the link in a "history book". I'm left wondering if it was a general history that somehow needed to make a point so detailed, or if it would one of the grand dynastic studies. You know, Origin and Rise to Power of the Guionides, or something like that.
Internet genealogies commonly give Rothilde as wife of Guy. So, it's not an error unique to Geni or confined to one user. MedLands doesn't list her, but we can't assume MedLands is comprehensive. She isn't listed as one of Lothar's children, but that doesn't mean there isn't charter evidence on Guy's side somewhere. Combined with the ambiguity about the "history book", I'm inclined to leave her as pending more research.
I think Emperor Guy III, 3rd duke of Spoleto, king of Italy sister - Rothildis di Spoleto has been erroneously attached to him as a wife in some records, and then assumed to actually be Rotrude, Daughter of Lothair I (who actually married his cousin, Lambert II, count of Nantes)
Okay, those are the links above.
On the question of seeing more: - we have evidence for Guido's wife as Ageltruda di Benevento but none for a wife called Rothildis, daughter of Lothair.
And no evidence for a daughter of Lothair by this name either.
I think that without this evidence there is no good reason to assign a Rothildis as an extra daughter of Lothair.
Understood, but I think you might be overthinking this. I don't see any problem except this odd Rothilde. And, we have some evidence that there is a possible respectable source that accepted her. So, my inclination would be to keep her pending further research. She doesn't have any children, so she's not giving people a false line. It doesn't hurt to leave her with a big curator note about the doubt.
I'd like to cut the connection between Rothilde de Lorraine as the daughter of Lothair I
because Lothair's kids seem pretty well documented, and do not include her.
That leaves her as a wife of Guido.
Here I would still suggest that she's an accidental 'fabrication' - as neither documentation on the profile, or Medlands, or Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_III_of_Spoleto give any indication of her existence at all.
But I'd leave her in there so you can follow up on it yourself, rather.
How does that sound to you?
The reason I'm wanting to remove her from Lothair's tree is that I'm reluctant to include her on the Template I'm building for him on the Chucky project http://www.geni.com/projects/Charlemagne-Emperor-of-the-West/1550 without better evidence.
I'll also think overnight. Could be that the best compromise is to remove her parents, then put a curator note in her profile that she might be a daughter of Lothar, etc.
You know, of course, that the next big round of Charlemagne duplicates is likely to put her back. She'll be one that we're always doing maintenance.