I bet you find that the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) is also an ancestor. I would assert my claims to the Caliphate myself, except that killing off my rivals would take a lot of my spare time for the next few centuries. Also, I don't feel like giving up wine or having a circumcision.
But King Tiglath-Pileser I of the Assyrians (my 88th great grandfather) is a fine role model. If I ever have a cat I shall name it after him. If the Iraqis ever want to revive their monarchies I shall bravely step up to the plate - on a strictly absentee basis to guarantee my safety, and modestly requesting only a very small percentage of their oil revenues.
He is my 25th great grandfather also. How nice to be related to one of the most brutal murderers and philanderers in history, and from such a long line of the same. The greedy and heartless always and still today find their way to the top by whatever means necessary, becoming our "leaders" and then pitting us against our brothers, sisters and neighbors in warfare for their own private gain. They are the true weapons of mass destruction.
Ah, it's great to be a member of royalty!
Henry I Beauclerc, King of England is my 22nd great grandfather.
Me, Della Dale Smith
Frances Amelia Eubank Smith, my mother
Dorthea Evelyn Rollins Eubank, her mother
Dortha Roxana Madsen Rollins McKinney, her mother
Louisa Roxana Welker Madsen, her mother
Rocksena Dustin Welker, her mother
Bechias Dustin, her father
Ebenezer Dustin, his father
James Dustin, his father
Sarah Johnson Dustin, his mother
Lydia Johnson, her mother
Robert Clements, Jr., her father
Robert Clements, Sr., his father
Richard Clements, his father
Robert Clements, his father
Richard Clements, his father
Sybil/Isabel Clements, his mother
Gwenllian verch Conan, her mother
Conan Rhys, her father
Maredudd Prince of Deheubarth, his father
Mathilde de Clare, his mother
Amice de Clare, Countess of Gloucester, her mother
William Fitz Robert, 2nd Earl of Gloucester, her father
Robert de Caen, Earl of Gloucester, his father
Henry I Beauclerc, King of England, his father
http://sandwalk.blogspot.com/2009/10/are-you-descedant-of-charlemag... This is a great article--and there are others if you haven't seen them. This one poises the question, are you related to Charlemagne and answers it in the affirmative--we all are if we are of European descent so by extension given that William I conquered England over a thousand years ago, almost all of us of English descent are related to his sons Henry I an II and by their inbreeding all the royalty of the UK. The Isles is a pretty small place. Fun to trace, but not unique,
Henry 1 King of England my 26th Great grandfather( I was off two generations).
Helen B Parker----her mother
Charles W. Parker---her father
George W. Parker---his father
Daniel F. Parker------ his father
Timothy Parker ---- his father
William Taylor Parker----- his father
Anna Taylor ---- his mother
William Taylor ------- her father
James Taylor, Tresure of Mass Bay prov. --- his father
Mary Foxall ----- his mother
Elizabeth Garway----- her mother
Elizabeth Anderson------ her mother
Thomas Anderson -------- her father
Elizabeth wolriche ------- his mother
Eleanor pershale -------- her mother
Humphrey Pershale ----- her father
Richard Pershale ------ his father
Maud swinnerton ------his mother
Robert de Swinnerton --- her father
Maud de Holland ----- his mother
Maud la Zouche ------- her mother
Sir Alan la Zouche -----her father
Ela Longspree --------- his mother
Stephen Longspree ----- her father
William Longspree ------- his father
Henry 2nd King of England ------ his father
Matilda-------- his mother
Henry 1st King of England her father