Private User, those are great. Thank you!
I wish GENI would give us a Voorvoegsel - we keep begging.
I've used suffiks as the Afrikaans, but Agtervoegsel is better, I think.
The Getroude Van is difficult because it becomes gendered too. (Men don't have a Getroude Van - net die selfsame ou Geboorte een.
I also like plain Van, but We're stuck with Familienaam at the moment, because it appears on the quick edit tree pop-up only - which box Geni appears no longer to be editing. I see, too, that on that pop-up the Afrkaans spelling of Middelnaam is incorrect. (So I will send a note to Geni to fix it for us :-)
Tell me about the nuanced meaning difference between Noemnaam and Ook Bekend As.. I think this is one that an Engelse woman shouldn't be deciding :-)
Thankyou so much for the help. I hope I can call on you and Peter Dennis...Gone fishing! for input on the rest of the translation. Anders gaan julle lag, mense :-)