Some general lessons
You have been using Geni for a while and also discovered that you have
some interesting lines in your tree,well, here's something to think about.
1. You are possible related to Mohammed
If you ever visit any Islamic countries, KEEP SHUT UP about it, or else,
you will be lucky to just being beaten up, less lucky to find yourselves behind bars and a very sorrow ass if you're dangling in a lamp post or just beheaded on the street. Prejudicial thoughts you think, wake up, in many of those countries people get jail for saying that they are atheist, just imagine what they would do with a blasphemer who claims to be a descendant of the very prophet himself, especially one who is not even a Muslim...
2. You find out that you're related to the queen of England!, well lucky you!
But chose carefully to whom you want to share this knowledge, if you tell wrong people, just about anyone random colleague at work or any newer friend, it will come back to you like a boomerang and hit you in the neck at various occasion and places, like in the personal cafeteria,
- Look, here's your cousin queen in the paper, but I can't see you anywhere, why weren't you invited? ...etc bullying stuff..
3. You have found out that the most interesting actors and singers are in your tree.
Well, the same warning which applied for the queen fits in here too, depending on whom and why you have informed your so called friends remember, real friends are soooo unusual that the price, if there really were any, for buying one single friendship, which you actually can't, would have landed at a minimum of $150.000, so here again, their knowledge will hit back at you anytime when any random famous person at all are seen or talked about, the little fun you had by noticing them will rapidly turn into regularly mocking with you as the big litter sack and faster than you ever would believe it would be possible, you will regret that you ever said anything to anyone at all.
4.How much can you tell outsiders without getting personally punished?
The answer to this is simple, "Nothing at all!" when it comes to nobility, kings, or famous people, religious icons and guaranteed nothing when it comes to close relationship with billionaires or big politicians, so what should you say when someone finds out that you're interested in genealogy, and they ask you what you have found out?
Just "a white lie". You haven't found any interesting people at all, just a bunch of common simpletons and some poor starving farmers, this is of course half true, since you probably if you're any good at what you're doing also have found them in your tree along with the other ones and remember, no one gives a s**t about common or ordinary poor people!
Take care and remember, genealogy are usually fun, in solitude and behind a closed door.