Fuscina - Checking connection strength - Charles Martel descended from Petronius Maximus

Started by Harald Tveit Alvestrand on Wednesday, May 21, 2014
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I'm looking at this connection:


Charles Martel is descended from a Roman Emperor.

Is this path recognized as solid? Or is it speculative?

Attaching the discussion to a profile in the middle to get it attached somewhere.

Tagging Justin Durand

Wow, that was fast. I just completed the merge that added Audentia's parents back about an hour ago. I'm still doing the clean up.

Is the line right? Maybe. Or something like it. It's not proven, though. At least not in my opinion. We know there were close family connections between the last few Roman emperors and the aristocracy of Gaul (the Gallo-Romans). And we know that those Gallo-Roman families married into the royal lines of their Frankish conquerors. The part that's not entirely certain is whether some of the Gallo-Roman lines really lead to the present.

Some experts would say the indirect evidence is so strong that some of these lines are virtually certain. Others are very skeptical. It's just my personal opinion, but like Todd Farmerie's analysis that Charlemagne has only 14 proven ancestors. More at the Ancestors of Charlemagne Project: http://www.geni.com/projects/Ancestors-of-Charlemagne/4914.

The idea that Audentia was a daughter of Petronius Maximus, Roman Emperor is common in Internet genealogies. I'm still searching through my notes to find which expert thinks that and on what evidence.

Hi Harlald,

I have checked my lineage to Petronius and he is my 44th great grandfather and find that the son of Pepin II d'Heristal, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia is Dreux, duc de Champagne et Bourgogne, my 33rd great grandfather, not Charles Martel.

However, when I checked other children of Pepin II, I found the following
"Father of Geringald; Talendus; Berthe; Dreux duc de Champagne et Bourgogne (my 33rd great grandfather); Grimoald II the Younger; Gertrude D'austrasia, "The Holy" Bastard; Childebrand I de Parracy, duke of Burgundy; Charles "Martel", Prince of the Franks and Gerard."

Therefore, there is more that one line to Petronius Maximus.

I have checked the contributors of these two ancestors of mine. Petronius Maximus was added by Sven Terclavers on March 5, 2007. Pepin II was added by Jean Paul Ancey on January 25, 2007. Because they are not the same people, the information provided by two different sources is credible.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

John Pat

Fuscina is my 43 grt grandmother Judy Rice

John Patrick McCaffrey unfortunately 2007 is in the Gedcom upload timeframe - and there's been so much swapping of unverified Gedcoms that having two different people upload the profiles is not evidence of anything.

What we need is a credible source (at least someone who has worked with the sources) that says "Charles Martel is descended from Petronius Maximus, and there is a woman called Fuscina on the path".
This is a connection to antiquity that will be easily found by thousands of Geni users as evidence that "I'm descended from a Roman emperor", so it is somewhat important that this be based on credible sources, not just "someone found a GEDCOM file that said so".

I found this particular path by checking my connection to the AJ Jacobs project - I'd like to find a path to him I feel I can trust; if this one is OK, I've found it .... if not, it's time to break it and find another one.

Harald, I cut and documented some links in this area. I'll be doing more work over the next few days but please understand it's very slow work.

Justin Durand thank you! I'm now "No relationship found" with AJ Jacobs - and happy about that!

You're a *lot* faster than I would have been able to be!

Anyone using this site to trace family members is at the mercy of the person providing the information. I have been burnt a couple of times by incorrect entries.

I see that Justin Swanstrom has corrected the lineage to Petronius Maximus and is solving your concerns regarding Charles Martel's lineage. Petronius Maximus is now my 55th great grandfather with a different lineage.

I deeply appreciate Justin's curator efforts.


@Thks Justine the only one that changed for me was Petroius Maximus from my 45th grt grandfather to my 1st cousin 9 times removed Judy Rice

@Sorry Justin about spelling your name wrong Judy Rice

No problem, Judy. Happens all the time. I think there's a natural reflex from the way keyboards are laid out.

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