Dr Johan Hugo (MBBCh, Bsc(Med)(Wits)) - Linking into family trees

Started by Dr Johan Hugo (MBBCh, Bsc(Med)(Wits)) on Friday, May 30, 2014
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To whom it may concern,
Can someone please explain the steps I need to follow to link into the various branches of my family. I have used the History Link tool as a discovery tool and have been able to track my family back 43 generations. I would like to now make these branches part of my tree so I can research these in more detail. For example, my paternal great grandmother links me into some of the most interesting European families, how do I link into her family tree at that level so I can build that tree and discover that branch of my family.

Thank you in advance for your advice

Kind regards

Dr Johan Hugo

I think you're already "in" the tree - you show as my 20th cousin something.

Geni is not my tree / your tree in the traditional sense. It's one Big Tree with over 77 million profiles. You visit a profile, ask Geni
- how am I connected ? and explore the branch.

You and I connect somewhere around here as our common ancestor

Robert Stewart, 1st Lord Lorn


So in the branch you noticed that perhaps needs expansion, get good sourcing and just add on the tree. I'm doing that right now -- expanding one of the Scots lines, see where it takes me. Already discovered several interesting historic cousins !

How do I connect to the big tree, I only have 5000 connections in my stats box, yet I can track my family back to 43 generations.


I invited you to join the project


(Anyone else is welcome also)

The statistics box shows just a quick glimpse of your "numbers."

You are connected to the Big Tree already.

Isn't it amazing ?

Hallo Johan,

My ouma grootjie was 'n Hugo. As jy nie alles van jou privaat maak nie, sodat 'n mens kan sien van waar jy vandaan kom, kan ek miskien help. Maak die profiele van jou oupa en ouma en verder vorentoe publiek dan kan ander by jou aanhaak.

As jy op my stamboom kyk aan die Van Schalkwyk kant sal jy my Hugo ouma grootjie sien en kan verder vorentoe. Alles is uitgewerk. Jy sal daarby kan aansluit.

As jy iets wil weet, vra maar net. Ek doen nie meer veel met Geni nadat Myheritage dit oorgeneem het nie.

Ek doen nou meeste my eie navorsing oor die Van Schalkwyks.


Leon van Schalkwyk

Leon, waar snakelike ek die profile oor van private na publiek?

Dr Johan Hugo (MBBCh, Bsc(Med)(Wits)),
Als je 5000 ziet voor je connecties betekened niet dat je alleen 5000 voorouders heeft. De teller Stopt op 5000 als je niet 'n Geni Pro bent.

Dr Johan Hugo (MBBCh, Bsc(Med)(Wits)),
Hoe je het Profile om kan schaken van privaat naar openbaar:
1- Ga naar de profiel pagina (waar alle gegevens staan zoals geboorte, datums enz.)
2- klik 'EDIT profiel' (rechts onder 'send message' & 'Tree View')
3- bovenaan rechts is een vierhoekje waar je een ''vinkje'' kan plaaten voor openbaar (publiek maken)

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