Hi, Christine.
In general (from this short Help note: ):
"You must have permission to edit the profile in order to resolve conflicts. If a profile is claimed, only the profile owner may complete their conflicting data information. You may send a request to the profile owner or manager to complete the conflict on their profile."
If you don't have edit access, selecting items and submitting them sends a Request to the manager(s), who then decide what actions to take.
In the specific example profile you cited, there are (as of this writing) no data conflicts.
Master Profiles may have additional constraints on that "permission to edit". A Master Profile (MP) may either be fully locked, or it may have only some particular fields locked. Why? Typically because the curator has determined that the 'locked' values are correct and should not be changed despite merges with profiles with differing information.
If there are no Data Conflicts pending but you still have values that you think should be changed, the best way to raise that issue is to start a Discussion on that profile's Discussions 'tab', presenting the evidence you have ... or simply the questions you have! If you have questions, others probably have had -- or will have -- them, too. A Discussion stays around with that profile so others can learn from it.
Starting a Discussion under a profile ALSO automatically notifies the profile's co-managers about the new discussion topic. So you don't have to send a separate private message to the managers.