ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Problem with this page?


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Showing 3091-3120 of 5946 posts

Horacio Scheck Sánchez
Nacimiento: estimado entre 1876 y 1996
Familia inmediata:

Hijo de Carlos Scheck Aldabe y Amelia Sanchez
Hermano de Carlos Eugenio Scheck Sánchez; Jorge Scheck Sánchez; <private> Scheck Sanchez; Eduardo Scheck Sánchez y María Amelia Scheck Sánchez

private> Scheck Sanchez; Is
Falleció en la Paz del Señor, confortado con los Santos Sacramentos y la Bendición Papal, el día 13 de octubre de 2015. Su esposa: Ángela Capdepon de Scheck; sus hijos: Irma, Carlos y Gabriela de Frutos, Guillermo y Alicia Molins, Nicolás y Leticia Luongo, Carola y Rafael Steverlynck; sus nietos: Ignacio Sanguinetti Scheck (ausente), María Sanguinetti Scheck y Alex Kossmann (ausente), Josefina Sanguinetti Scheck e Ignacio Platero; Eugenia Scheck de Frutos y Nicolás Saiz, Carlos Scheck de Frutos e Irene Acosta (ausentes), Dominique Scheck de Frutos (ausente); Daniel, Andrés y Guillermo Scheck Molins; Juan Diego y Martín Scheck Luongo; Camille y Santiago Steverlynck Scheck participan con profundo dolor su fallecimiento, e invitan al acto del sepelio a efectuarse hoy en el Cementerio Parque Martinelli. Velatorio, de 9 a 11 horas, en Empresa Martinelli, Canelones 1450, sala Ámbar

Please make it public and his death 10/15/2015 burried today el Cementerio Parque Martinelli.

Private User, Jeremiah's profile was merged multiple times, last 5 are during last month, I guess one of these merges brought the other set of parents. Too complicated for me to just disconnect the other parents and let them float. Do you refer to Tracy Scott Blackwell as the other manager? She was active 2.5 years ago.
Try to contact the users who performed the recent merges - they are listed in the "Revisions" tab.

Ok, will do!


There are some bad mash-ups at several points along the line (including a Virginia-Massachusetts misalliance). They're a good ways away from the Delmarva, so I don't have much info on them.

Yep, I could tell that a lot of stuff is going on up and down the tree. It isn't really my field; he showed up in my merge center on account of me following the profile. I untangled one little piece but I think I will let it alone, since I'm mostly focused elsewhere.

The "White families" question usually leads to all kinds of tangles, no thanks to Emma Siggins White, who tried to mash them all into one highborn family to the advantage of her husband, John Barber White.

Y-DNA says her theory is total nonsense (there are many, many White families, and few if any are at all closely related), and close examination of her work shows that there are places where she blatantly faked her information.

Her husband's links to England, when properly deciphered through alternative sources, are yeomen with no connection to the gentry family she so desperately tried to paste them into - and worse, in the process she *overwrote* the actual family line in Somerset to the point that it took a massive effort to reconstruct it and the damage can probably never be completely undone.

(No, I never miss a chance to slam her.)

Oh, that totally explains it. By which I mean, there are always problems and glitches and little tangles around -- but when you get into the massive stuff there's usually some core issue, some text that promulgates the tangle.

Private User

Please check Horacio Scheck Sánchez


I am pretty sure that these are the same:

Sandor Gershon Burstein

Sandor Gershon Burstein

And therefore that these, their son(s), are the same.

Private User

Private User

They are beyond my admin level to investigate or to merge.


Can someone please complete the merges of Moshe Rubin's (Moshe Rubin) duplicate wives? I have requested merges, but no one has responded.


Catherine Anna Manfredi Yronwode -- I'm taking care of joining the Burstein branches.

Thanks, Dan Cornett -- i wandered into that lot because i have a friend named Mark Burstein -- not even sure he is one of those i listed -- but i saw a bunch of duplication. "My" Mark Burstein is the one who recently updated "The Annotated Alice" (originally by Martin Gardner) and is ust a friend ... although it turns out i am related to these Bursteins.

Maxwell Charles Preston - that and a few other pending merges were completed. There are some data conflicts to resolve in that branch (of the wife).


Update -- now that the duplicates are gone, i can see that that *is* my friend Mark Burstein and his father Sandor! Thanks for cleaning up their tree. I never knew we were related -- that was a bonus. Love to Geni curators!

Thanks Angus

"I got time up errors, had it yesterday and now, I really can't open that profile at all. What's the cause?" Has now a separate thread.

Pages are timing out before they can load

Fannie Ballesteros Please split her from Charles Ignacio. She was married to Charles George.

Private User, all you have to do is edit the profile, go to the "Relationships" tab, and there mark the unwanted relationship and click "Remove".

Only Pro users and curators can do that, and the reason for this discussion thread.
I have cut those connections for her.


Can someone please complete the merges of Helene Maier's (Helene Maier) duplicate husbands? I have requested merges, but no one has responded. There are some duplicate children too, or at least there will be once the merge has been completed.



Maxwell Charles Preston
Helene Maier & her husband Leon Maier are claimed profiles and are active.

I see a merge has been done for her husband Leon Maier.

When I checked my list of requested merges today, I found that there are 175 older than one year. Most involve profiles in isolated (and possibly abandoned) trees. What to do with those?

Can someone please disconnect @William Smith of Stratford-on-Avon

from @John Smythe, Esq., of Corsham

All disconnecting reasons has been placed under each profile and just in case a link back to the parent/son has been placed under each profile.

Done, Judi

I want to know the policy of Geni, is it really okay to put in shit in the namefield as in this example, "mördare", murderer, or as in other cases, the way the person died like for example, beheaded, or shit like whore?
Gustaf Årrhane

Information "about" the person should be in the "About" and/or Occupation fields. Such information may sometimes be a part of the display name *IF* it is absolutely necessary to prevent any ambiguity. (e.g.: John Smith, the tanner, who lived in the same village contemporaneous with John Smith, the baker.)

Showing 3091-3120 of 5946 posts

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