ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Problem with this page?


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This part of the tree needs work: Duplicate private profiles can't be merged from "my" account. Also, some yellow triangles in surrounding areas need to be looked at. Thanks.

Eldon Lester Clark, thank you for the help and the answer.

Please merge:
Private and Private
Alona Shemesh and Alona Shemesh

Tigran Łaczinian
Please merge:
Alexander (Soloveichik) Solan and Alexander Solan
Alona (Solan) Shemesh and alona Shemesh

Sorry - also the following with the previous message

Maria Turnbull
husband George Turnbull

Sorry - found another Maria and George duplicate

Maria Turnbull
husband George Turnbull

Private User
Plas chk all of the above.

Thanks Angus, all looks good.

I keep finding whole sections that are duplicated and abandoned.

I corrected the lines of this profile, Peder Knutsson Ribbing so that the son Knut Pedersson Ribbing had the most likely father according to the sources and experts in the field.

Unfortunately, this wrong father was soon reinstated, Arvid Sigvidsson Ribbing by
Kaj Henry Österberg

I want his changes undone, since it does not follow any sources, nor match anything stated in any contemporary or later historical documents what so ever, it doesn't matter if this false line has 60 or more followers, if it's wrong, it's wrong! That line has today by leading experts been considered as constructed.

Peder now has only one father, Knut.

This line was after my correction today in accordance with more or less as good as it can be, even with that question mark in the about me section for his possible son Peder.

The most likely father are Knut, Arvid are not mentioned at all.
Thanks Private User

Could a curator please merge these as one of the profiles is abandoned
John Cobcroft
John Cobcroft

@Eldon, Fleming families are good now

Private User

I think that there are zombies on this merge and that for some reason I can do the merge. Please help:

Is it me or does this not seem correct - I have been struggling to correct my personal computer program and this is just not working

@Athildis verch Coilus (Fictitious Person) daughter of
@Coel (Coelus) King of Britain {6000000002120218879}and
@Strada "the Fair" {6000000041103775872}

@Coel (Coelus) King of Britain {6000000002120218879}
Son of @Strada "the Fair" {6000000041103775872}

@Strada "the Fair" {6000000041103775872}
Daughter of @Cadfan of Cambria {6000000002118879027} and
@Gwladys of Britain (Silures tribe) "The Younger" {6000000002118830183}
Wife of @Coel (Coelus) King of Britain {6000000002120218879}
Mother of @St. Lucius Lleuver Mawr, King of the Silures {6000000000396294595}

@Cadfan of Cambria {6000000002118879027}
Son of @St. Lucius Lleuver Mawr, King of the Silures {6000000000396294595}and
@Gwladys "the Elder" verch Eurgen "the Elder" {6000000002118813374}
Husband of @Gwladys of Britain (Silures tribe) "The Younger"{6000000002118830183} (wife/sister)
Father of @Strada "the Fair" {6000000041103775872}
Brother of @Gwladys of Britain (Silures tribe)"The Younger"{6000000002118830183} (sister/wife)

@St. Lucius Lleuver Mawr, King of the Silures {6000000000396294595}
Son of @Coel (Coelus) King of Britain {6000000002120218879} and
@Strada "the Fair" {6000000041103775872}
Husband of @Gwladys "the Elder" verch Eurgen "the Elder" {6000000002118813374}
Father of @Gwladys of Britain (Silures tribe) "The Younger" {6000000002118830183}

@Gwladys of Britain (Silures tribe) "The Younger" {6000000002118830183}
Daughter of @St. Lucius Lleuver Mawr, King of the Silures {6000000000396294595} and
@Gwladys "the Elder" verch Eurgen "the Elder" {6000000002118813374}
Wife of @Cadfan of Cambria {6000000002118879027} (husband/brother)
Mother of @Strada "the Fair" {6000000041103775872}
Sister of @Cadfan of Cambria {6000000002118879027} (brother/husband) this is possible I know

from screen shot @Athildis verch Coilus (Fictitious Person)?through=6000000002118830183

Hi Judith - It is not you. There is a curator note on Athildis verch Coilus (Fictitious Person) saying that it is a fictitious person.

Some people are so enamoured with genealogy that they feel the need to put the genealogies of book, movie, tv characters in too. Or maybe it is that they are so enamoured with the characters??.

At least this one is labelled so that it is obvious.

Thanks @Private User I am short of finding a whiskey bottle on this one - even tho none of it makes and sense I have gotten it in as I laid out above with the exception of not entering Strada as the mother of Cole (Coelus) King of Britain and I took the avoe and put it in under Athildis verch Coilus (Fictitious Person) with the PAF# to show what I have merged together - till someone tells me which is right or wrong

and by his profile Strada is his wife not his mother!

Coilus . ap Marius, King of Britain
Son of St. Cyllin / Marius ap Caradog, King of Britain and Julia of the Iceni
Husband of @Strada "the Fair" {6000000041103775872}
Father of
1 @ Athildis verch Coilus (Fictitious Person) {6000000012720194653}
2 @ {600000000039629459}

@ {600000000039629459}
Son of @Coel (Coelus) King of Britain {6000000002120218879} and
Strada "the Fair" {6000000041103775872}
Husband of

I need assistance in merging Claude Charles (de Verville) Gauthier dit Verville's father and his immediate family. There is a combination of zombie profiles and unnecessary private profiles.


Aaron William Carpenter

Geni is working on a new feature, that is the reason you and many more people are seeing these private profiles. When the feature is released we will be able to do as you asked

Judith "Judi" Elaine (McKee) Burns

I have asked Anne Brannen our Curator who is an expert in this area for help..She will check it out later.

Could a curator please complete the merge on this profile and kill off her parents as she was born in 1804

Susannah Freebody

Here are the smart matches from My Heritage

Could a curator please merge the 2 husbands of
Beryl Lee Breen

he is still living - I am happy to have my profile removed just leaving the other original profile.

I was midstream having "killed off" the parents though not having completed the merge.

Thanks Angus for stepping in.

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