ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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Showing 5311-5340 of 5946 posts

Well, you *could* "bud off" a third Hannah Story on the World Tree and merge each of the loose profiles to her individually (this would still require Curator assistance iirc). One a profile has been connected to the World Tree, it stays connected even if it's then disconnected and moved.

Unconnected trees CAN be merged in by Curators, but usually try to avoid it if the manager is recently active and can respond to merge requests and messages him/her self. The manager of hannha storey is for example active, so please try the hard way by sending a message and request for collaboration first.

Hello, I need y'alls help again to merge these two profiles if you please:
merge this mary higgins:
Mary G Higgins

with this mary higgins:
Mary G Higgins

and please merge any other duplicates if you must or i could merge them the other if the manager of the compared profile allows me to. that is.

because these two mary higgins are the same people.

Tracey Brooke Anderson
Merge completed. You need to check for data conflicts.

Could you please reverse the merge that I just did on Isabella Elizabeth Rose

I need to do some more work first

Private User,

Isabella E Rose (Cross) was unmerged from Isabella Elizabeth Rose (Cross).


Could a curator please complete the merge on Eric Percival Carson

One set of parents are living and the other parents are deceased (same names)

Private User, ok

One hour ago some newbee did it again, merged the two sister with the same name togheter, despite that I had written in the about me section, "don't merge with her sister with the same name"
Sólveig Jónsdóttir

This behavior, people who think that they know best, and just see two profiles with the same name, and likely without any further investigation about how or why, starts to get on my nerves, endless of repairing, search for facts that gets lost again and again, it feels like an endless sabotage even if I know that most people acting out of ignorance and maybe even in what they think, good faith, anyway, the merges needs to be undone, the sister splitted, and the information restored, one of them died in whats now Sweden, the other one in Iceland.


, don't let it upset you. It's in the margins. This is a likely to be error. Maybe writing in the "About me" is not enough, and need to emphasize it in the name fields (Sólveig #1, Sólveig #2)?

... and ask a curator to MP so the can NOT be merged. Unmerge submitted (but I have to leave for a while, so someone else may need to follow up with MP's).

I do think I have already asked for that once Dan, anyway, thanks for your kind and fast help. : )

Private User
The unmerge has been completed but there are a lot of Data Conflicts, could you please resolve for both profiles.

I have MP'd both profiles with notes not to merge them so it is 99% safe that this will never happen again, I also used the blue Tree Match symbol on each page to compare the profiles and select Not a Match. Further i removed the suffixes "Iceland" and "Sweden" as while it is tempting to differentiate the profiles in this way it is not in line with the Geni naming conventions.

Sólveig Jónsdóttir
Sólveig Jónsdóttir

Ulf, when i translate the About of the sister that dies in Sweden I read that we don't actually know her name, just that she married Asbjorn. Can you find a source that actually names her?

Without a source for her name it seems odd that there would be two sisters living to adulthood with the same name. I am suspicious that someone on the internet has named her Solveig because they know Jon had a daughter of that name, not realising that Jon's daughter Solveig had another family. If you know what I mean.

Can I please have some clean-up merging in this area @Dervorgilla of Galloway, Lady Balliol of MP'd and locked profiles - I think there are a couple of "Zombies" of the children of @John de Balliol I, 5th Baron of Bywell too but I think they are apart of the new "stand by enhancement" awaiting formal announcement climbing my tree/personal computer file from dad to the last entery on GENI making them match if at all possible


Judi...Did not realized it

Could a curator please merge these
Alice Hayes
Alice Hayes

One profile is abandoned

Could a curator please merge these
Joshua Rose
Joshua Rose

one profile is abandoned

Please undo the merge I just completed on this profile. The entire family is a match but the mothers are different. I will look for a source to confirm the mother.
Maria Wilhelmine Puchert
Henriette Rogge was merged into Maria Wilhelmine Puchert (Werbelow) by Charmaine Carstens (Labuschagne).
5 minutes ago

Private User, un-merge request, can take an hour or two.

Or less than a minute! Unmerge completed :)

Alex Moes Thank you so much.

Alex Moes I see you've disconected Wilhelmine Henrietta Rogge from Carl George Puchert. Thank you for doing that, but now the children on her profile looks like they could be duplicate profiles for her sister Maria Wilhelmine Puchert's children.

Not guilty Your Honour! I just reversed the merge anything else was a result of the automated process. I have looked at the children and should be all fixed now, if you could double check please.

Ndugu M’Hali
need help in setting him up as single adopted by Henry Morton Stanley , because he was not married to anyone at that time, is it possible?

Private User
I think that what you need to do is cut the relationship to Stanley and his wife. Then add Stanley as his adoptive father. Then merge the two Stanley's but not the wife.

Private User, have a look - this is what you need?

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