I accidentally approved a merge, wanted to click not a match but the fingers did their own thing. Please unmerge.
David Johannes Kotze, b2c1d1e8f6
I accidentally approved a merge, wanted to click not a match but the fingers did their own thing. Please unmerge.
David Johannes Kotze, b2c1d1e8f6
Please remove
Hijman David van Collem
Thanking you in advance
as husband of Rachel Les
Rachel Les
Hijman Levie van Collem is her husband
Demerge on last two merges with this profile: Frederick Charles Stigler, Jr.
Second time I've been bitten by poorly documented profiles.
I hope someone can help me. I am trying to repair the relationships between these family members.
Basil Johannes Troutner is not married to
Anna Margretha Jake
She was married to his Son. If I could removed HER /\ as the wife I may be able to re build this and fix it. However I am not allowed to Remove anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
looking at the tree https://www.geni.com/family-tree/index/6000000012364270375#60000000... there are two George Michael Troutner
See https://www.geni.com/merge/compare/6000000017344510691?return=dupli...
Was George Michael Troutner married to both Susannah Earhart and Anna Margretha Jake
Hi Angus,
No George was married to Susannah Earhart. The data was put in incorrectly. I have been trying to remove Anna and redo the tree, but an unable to remove anything. I don't know that merging the tree would be of help or not. I did put in the notes, that the tree is incorrect if anyone is looking for information.
Joseph Alexander Cornwall is part of an abandoned tree. Is it possible to merge with Unknown Profile or is it a bad idea?
I do not have permission to merge them and Geni is unable to find an appropriate manager.
Thanks Eldon Lester Clark. There is no sense leaving them disconnected if we know where they belong.
Grateful for your work,
I have been working on this area of the tree that involves immigrants to Salt Lake City and the LDS for a week or so. People from Ireland, England, and Denmark blazed a trail to Utah in the early 1800s. I came across them working on the Neff family, descendants of Hans Herr from Lancaster County, PA. Many are listed as pioneers of the Mormon Church.
Jim Wile When you document them, be sure to add them to the correct Pioneer project if they belong there.
The data will be here https://history.lds.org/overlandtravels/home
... and don't forget the Geni project: (top level) http://www.geni.com/projects/Mormon-Pioneers-1847-1868-Master-Proje...
There are many projects to find on http://www.geni.com/projects?following_only=false. Is there an index? (may be something like the one for Dutch projects on http://www.geni.com/projects/Project-index-Lage-Landen/18132)
Job Waterreus,
You can find what you're looking for by clicking 'Research'. Here's what the page looks like; http://www.geni.com/projects
You can choose 'My Projects', 'All Projects' or you can fill in the blank space which might be quick if a project exists. To the right you can look at 'Recent Activity'. Jennette just added two profiles I was just working on to a project a few minutes ago.
-geni-NL-gids- Jeannette. added Remco Campert, schrijver to the P.C. Hooft-prijs voor Letterkunde 1947-heden project. 3 minutes ago
-geni-NL-gids- Jeannette. added Remco Campert, schrijver to the Nederlandse & Vlaamse dichters project. 4 minutes ago