Erica Howton
Thanks for that - useful!
I'm too tired tonight to read, absorb and comment at length further now*, but my issue is more about how to guide/force newbies to read and understand at least the very basics, in order to keep the integrity of the database and reduce the constant workload for the curators in merging duplicates, etc. -
e.g. at the time they create their accounts, before they start creating a single profile, a screen staying "STOP" (in the name of love...:-) ), "READ THIS FIRST!!!"... then some info saying that if they have a famous relative, he or she is almost certainly there already (and even not so famous ones, especially going beyond great-grandparents), etc.
I'm only too aware (from my various roles in IT) that users don't go looking for help, it needs to be shoved under their noses... as briefly as possible, in simple English and in dot points with links to other info where appropriate. And with important matters such as how not to create duplicates, preferably on a page they can't get any further until they've clicked on something saying they've read it.
Because I signed up a while ago (and only got active more recently), I can't remember the process, but I don't remember being guided to a basic "how-to" page and certainly the searching process and results are not transparent or intuitive.
*I lied. I rambled on. I'll have to start a new discussion thread, I think, perhaps later or tomorrow - or, anyone else, feel free to do so! (It's night time here.)