ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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Private User, have a look at the full path:

Angelina -> Petrus Franciscus Meure (her father) -> ... -> Beatrix von Schweinfurt (her mother) -> Judith of Schweinfurt (her sister) -> Adelaide of Pottenstein (her daughter) -> ... -> Jillian E. Shepard (his daughter)

You are 30 generations away from Beatrix.
Jillian is 31 generations away from Judith, Beatrix's sister.
The 31-30=1 makes it "once removed".

AHHHHH finally a light switches on, ill find another one and see if i get it myself with out help

makes it so much harder, when they are 19 times removed, that was an easy example :)

when u have two profiles to merge, how do you keep the original poster as manager, ? or merge them both with out offending some one?

If one has more managers than the other - the one with more managers will be the Primary Profile - and the Primary Manager of that one will remain the Primary Manager. After that, other considerations - bug me and I will see if I can find the link to where most recently I saw it explained.

How can you merge without offending someone - talk to all interested parties, and only merge if all are willing.

There is also a difference in "protocol" depending on "where" in the tree you are working. For historic profiles (before 1800 as a simple rule of thumb) with lots of managers already - in "my" areas of the tree - merge if you think it's right. And you can generate a "merge request" that "stacks" the two profiles & asks the other manager to compare & agree.

All managers are retained in a merge, and there is now very little distinction between managers in the list. The "added by" date shows who first added the profile to Geni.

heavens above, i just been merging them, with who ever has the most information, , :(, sigh,

I don't know if "my" method is ok or not, but I look at the profiles to see who has the most/least info, then after I am sure they are the same person (have enough info to be sure) I go back to the merge page and if one has an MP after the name I merge to that one or to the one with the most "correct" info & merge to that one. If it is a merge page that shows more than one profile I will click on the areas that I feel is best to be in the finale profile (name, or place of birth/death, dates, may differ so pick the best ones to retain.)

If I have found a profile with duplicates --say a profile with 2 fathers (same name or similar, but almost same)-- I check both profiles and again after verifying they are the same person, I go back to the one with the most info/managers & go to the Action tab at the top & click on "merge". It will requests a name & I type in the name (if there are any differences in the name be sure to type it that way) & it will come up "recently viewed", that is the one I click on... If the name is spelt differently, you can always go into the "edit" area & add that to "alt names".

Pat is correct. Adding - I try to resolve data conflicts "at merge time.". Again, for historic profiles, standard advice -- resolve data conflicts to the values furthest to the left (main profile and / or MP profile) -- unless more precise & detailed data is on a different profile. And you can select field by field, which is nice. Again, i usually have a guide to help know which is correct, and as Pat mentions, you can always add notes in the "about", or in the also known as field for variant spellings.

Yes, thank you :), thats what i have been doing, but then i noticed afterwards i had stolen a couple as first manager because my profile i was merging had more information, but still retained the added by, this is what i felt guilty about, some profiles, as you know might only have a name an no gerneral information, so you pick whats relevant to that person of course before the merge. and data correlation, is there a way to keep the same value of information, with out taking away from the first manager position if they added it before i did ,?

They will always have the added by credit, but if your information is more detailed, you deserve (the pain of) the "primary" manager position.

Trust me, you're not stealing anything. All that first listed means anymore is you'll get the requests to be added manager. All managers get all other notifications, contact manager goes to the 20 most recently active managers plus curator, if any; they appear in all merge centers, etc.

I curate profiles with hundreds of managers. All we're concerned about is correct genealogy.

Curators please explain to me why when correcting conflicting data on some profiles one gets the following message.

Click on the data you would like to keep and then click the Send button.
Your corrections will appear on the profile when (name of manager) approves the request.

Also what to do when this manager never approves the request.

Private User - If you discover you have accidentally "stolen" Primary Management from someone - a nice touch might be to send him/her a Geni-Message mentioning it, possibly why you are interested, and asking if they would like Primary Manager-ship back - if yes, then you click on Actions, click on Manager Options, click on Add Manager - and even tho they are already a Manager - enter them - THEN you will be offered the opportunity to Make them Primary Manager - click that, send -- then send a reply on your Geni-Message to them, saying you have requested they be made Primary Manager, but they need to accept the request - once they do, they will be back as Primary Manager.

If, and only if, you are Primary Manager, can you ask that someone else be the Primary Manager - and they have to accept it. If they never respond to your geni-Message asking if they wish to be returned to Primary Manager, then they probably are not active enough (or interested) enough to worry about.

If two profiles have the same number of managers, and the same number of fields that count have info -- then it seems, at least almost always, if you follow procedure #2 in - that it is the Profile that is MOVED ONTO the other (ie the one that is dragged onto the other) that becomes the Primary Profile.

I have not tried method #3, so have no idea which is given the role of Primary Profile there if everything else equal.

Also be aware - the merged profile by default will show/display the value of the Primary Profile - which is also the one to the furthest left in the Data Conflict Window. If you choose one of the other values, there will be a record of the change in Revisions. However, if you choose the data in the Primary Profile, all history of the other value(s) is lost, unless you note it in About or Discussion or etc.

thank you for all of this information, i know what to do now , thank you very much :)

I left off several factors that determine which is Primary - more complete list/explanation from Mike Stangel back in 2012: [link seems to work in IE on this computer, but only to general page in Firefox's version here]
-- and see Mike's next comment after that, confirming info I give above for if everything is equal, then which profile is "dragged and dropped" will determine which is Primary.

@Erica, Yes i know, but some people are really posessive ,i have had a few occasions, where i have asked to be added as a manager, and got my head ripped of, or simply they dont respond, to any request, and not because they are not online, , hahas, i just dont want to tread on some ones little square of pink or blue :)

This profile is of a person born between 1790 and 1800. It is marked <private> and it is genderless, although male by implication.

James Gilleland

My records actually show four siblings in this family group, not three as shown here. I have them as

1. Robert Gilleland
2. Daniel Gilleland
3. Sarah Ann Gilleland Kuykendall
4. James Gilleland

I have sent a contact message to the profile manager, but as yet have received no reply. I am sure the <private> status was an error of the uploader, as no other sibling or ancestor in the family is <private>.

Can a curator please assist to turn this deceased person <public> ?

Thank you.

Erica Howton - As Charmaine says: when correcting conflicting data on some profiles - one gets the following message: "Click on the data you would like to keep and then click the Send button. Your corrections will appear on the profile when (name of manager) approves the request." - The Manager named is the PRIMARY Manager - so that is yet another way Primary Management matters!!

Think profiles it happens on are possibly those outside ones Max Extended Family, one is not a Manager, and if Public profile, not collaborating with a Manager - would like to know for sure. And share Charmaine's desire to know what to do when this manager never approves the request.

Other ways who is Primary Manager still matter (in addition to in my comment just above and receiving the requests to be added as a Manager)
1] for both Public and Private Profiles - when you create list of Profiles managed by you (or someone else you name), the list is just of Profiles for which you (or person named) are the Primary Manager

2] for Private Profiles -- it is the Primary Manager's settings which determine what is shown to non-family members / in a Geni-Search.

Since this is an MP, i think a curator should assist.

I am requesting that the display name of this direct ancestress of mine "The Sassanid Princess," aka "Princess of Persia" be restored to how it was. She is commonly known as such.

Sassanid Princess Dara Izdadwar

and check under revisions --> facts


James Gilleland has been marked deceased, and as such became public.


Erica Isabel Howton - As Charmaine says: when correcting conflicting data on some profiles - one gets the following message: "Click on the data you would like to keep and then click the Send button. Your corrections will appear on the profile when (name of manager) approves the request." - The Manager named is the PRIMARY Manager - so that is yet another way Primary Management matters!!


If the profile is curated, the curator "also" receives requests to resolve conflicting data. I receive them daily and act on them.


Think profiles it happens on are possibly those outside ones Max Extended Family, one is not a Manager, and if Public profile, not collaborating with a Manager - would like to know for sure. And share Charmaine's desire to know what to do when this manager never approves the request.


I can't answer on the software rules; what you say sounds right. But to resolve d/c's from inactive / unresponsive managers -- request curation.

I field lock so the data conflict cycle ends and profiles can be genuinely updated with evidence by any curator.

Erica Howton Is there a specific discussion where I can ask for assistance to clear up these data conflicts? I just don't like conflicts of any kind and try and clear it up asap. I've got 28 of them staring at me and most of them are from just 2 profile managers.

There isn't a dedicated discussion. Maybe the merge thread you use would be appropriate? If not, maybe start one?

Thank you Erica Howton

Thank you, Oton, Angus, and Jason! My husband's relative James had emerged from the mists!

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