Hello, I have reason to believe that this private zombie is the late (very late) Sigmund Oppenheimer. If i am wrong, please ignore what follows!
Sigmund Oppenheimer
compare with
Sigmund Oppenheimer
Sigmund and his wife are quite dead and their son, Harry, who is also deceased, has two public profiles (duplicates), so there is no reason for the "privacy":
Harry Darwin Oppenheimer
and i think Harry and Henry are duplicates of the same person:
Harry Darwin Oppenheimer
On both the private and public profiles, Sigmund is my 13th cousin -- not close enough for me to claim him as "close family," but the connection is by straight blue line DNA, and there is another batch of Oppenheimers who are my scond cousins, so i twould like to work on his bio a bit -- he made sausage casings, as did his son Harry.
I happen to have a replica of a refrigerated train car bearing the name of Harry's company (Oppenheimer Casing Co. of Chicago). I am sentimental about family members who made trains (like the Bing family) or who had train cars painted bearing their names (like the oppenheimer family).
If you think i am kidding, see this:
crazy cat yronwode