Richard II le Justicier, duc de Bourgogne - DId he marry his Sister?

Started by Judith "Judi" Elaine (McKee) Burns on Tuesday, October 14, 2014
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@Adelaide of Burgundy

Adelaide de Bourgogne (Welf)
Birth: circa 849 Auxerre, Transjurania, Bourgogne, France
Managed by: Margaret, (C)
Daughter of Conrad II "the Younger", duke of Transjurane Burgundy and Ermentrude de Bourgogne (d' Alsace)
Wife of Richard II le Justicier, duc de Bourgogne

@Adelaide d'Auxerre

Adelaide d'Auxerre (de Bourgogne)
Birth: 875 Auxerre, Yonne, Bourgogne, France

The about me in my opinion is very ambiguous and hard to follows seems it keeps repeating its self of facts presented above each other.
Daughter of Bouin, count & lay abbot of Gorze and Richilde d'Arles
Wife of Richard II le Justicier, duc de Bourgogne
Mother of Adélaïde Adelaide de Bourgogne

Richard II le Justicier, duc de Bourgogne
Birth: circa 867
Bourgogne, France
Managed by: Margaret, (C)
Son of Bouin, count & lay abbot of Gorze and Richilde d'Arles
Husband of Ermentrude de Alsace; Adelaide d'Auxerre (de Bourgogne) and Adelaide de Bourgogne (Welf)
Father of Gebuin, comte de Dijon; Adélaïde Adelaide de Bourgogne

his daughter @wife of Reginar II

I looked at the relationship and came to the same conclusion. Thank you for keeping me in the loop. Sincerely, Theresa

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