Cynric, King of Wessex - Trying to place Aethelheard of Wessex and Cinric

Started by Terry Jackson (Switzer) on Saturday, December 6, 2014
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There is some confusion in this area (unsurprising given the era!) but the about me of Cerdic states (several times) that he arrived with his son Cinric whereas the about me of Cynric has his father as Crioda, son of Cerdic.

I came to this by trying to place Aethelheard who was, it seems incorrectly placed as son of William Rufus. Wikipedia seems to suggest that he came to the throne via his brother in law so his brother in law was perhaps son of Cerdic. So either Cynric or Crioda.

Medlands states:

Brother and sister, maybe descendants of Cynebald. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle says that "their direct paternal ancestry goes back to Cerdic" but gives no details[1394]:
1. ÆTHELHEARD (-[739/41]). The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that "Æthelheard his kinsman" succeeded King Ine and ruled for fourteen years[1395]. He succeeded Ine in 728 as ÆTHELHEARD King of Wessex. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that "Æthelheard and prince Oswald" fought in 728[1396]. "Athelardus rex Westsaxona" granted land at Pouholt, Somerset to abbot Coengisl by charter dated 729[1397]. Wessex's power was much diminished under Æthelheard, with Æthelbald King of Mercia annexing a considerable part of Wessex beyond Selwood[1398]. The Continuator of Bede records the death in 739 of "Edilhartus Occidentalium Saxonum rex"[1399]. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records the death of "king Æthelheard" in 740 (manuscript E) and 741 (manuscript A)[1400]. m FRITHUGYTH, daughter of --- (-after 737). "Fridogitha regina" subscribed the charter of "Athelardus rex Westsaxona" dated 7291397. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that "bishop Forthhere and queen Frithugyth journeyed to Rome" in 737[1401]. Florence of Worcester records that "episcopus Scireburnensis ecclesiæ Fortherus et Frithogitha Occidentalium Saxonum regina" left for Rome, undated[1402].
2. [ÆTHELBURG (-Rome [728]). The primary source which records that she was sister of Æthelheard has not yet been identified. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that "queen Æthelburh destroyed Taunton, which Ine had built" in 722[1403]. William of Malmesbury records that she encouraged her husband to undertake his pilgrimage to Rome in 726 and accompanied him[1404]. m INE King of Wessex, son of CENRED under King of Wessex (-Rome [728]).]

Cynric was King of Wessex from 534 to 560. Successor Ceawlin

According to a book: King Arthur's Children: A Study in Fiction and Tradition
Cynric was according to LDS grandson not son of Cerdic.IF this is true then Crioda died before his father as he was never king.

According to Medlands Creoda is mentioned but only to say that he is not mentioned in the Anglo Saxon Chronicles.

Any views of who should go where?

Terry (curator)

The confusion is in the AS Chronicle. Despite what MedLands says, Creoda is listed. In most history texts you'll see the problem glossed over as "Cyrnic, son or grandson of Cerdic".

In this case Wikipedia is exactly right:

"Cynric was King of Wessex from 534 to 560. Everything known about him comes from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. There he is stated to have been the son of Cerdic, and also (in the regnal list in the preface) to have been the son of Cerdic's son, Creoda."

I have made a couple alterations to the Geni tree so that ÆTHELHEARD is no longer held as son of William Rufus. I hope It's as correct as can be expected.

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