His name is shown as Ralph Elkins II, that would make him the second. It shows on Geni that his father was Richard Elkins and mother was Mary Williams. However, other family trees show him as the son of Ralph Elkins I and Elizabeth Bryant.
I ask because there is a curator note above:
Curator Note from Erica Isabel Howton, (c) (6/8/2013):
Son of Richard Elkins (b 1669) & Mary Williams. Married Frances Brown.
This was brought to my attention by Private User. Thank you.
Hi Private User
Sorry for the delay but now I've gotten to look at some of the citations & in fact uploaded a couple more to the profile.
It looks like Richard Elkins was married twice: 1) Mary Elkins 2) Elizabeth Elkins
So - which children are from which wife? Birth records are hard to find for this time & place, but this will may offer a clue:
Cited in http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Elkins-15
Will of his son, James Elkins
1694/5 James Elkins, son of Richard Elkins and his wife, Mary(Williams)Elkins, Richmond Co., VA. Will Book 2 p. 47 by deed of gift, 12 Jan. 1694/95, is willed by Mrs. Xpian Williams of St. Mary's Parish in Richmond Co., 5 cows, a good feather bed and furniture and tow brass kittles, one to hold about 13 gallons, 2 iron pots, 1 bell mettle spice mortar and pestle, 5 pewter, dishes, 2 horses and 2000 pounds of tobacco in cask" to be paid for the aforesaid grandchild, (James Elkins) schooling when he comes to age of 23yrs. Mrs. Williams names James Elkins as her grandson and states he is the son of Richard Elkins and Mary. Mrs. Williams signed the Deed of Gift withher mark.
Therefore we know that Richard's son James was by his 1st wife Mary Williams. But when did Mary pass on, and Richard remarry & who were the children of Elizabeth Bryant?
From http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=mrmar...
We see the will of Richard Bryant of Stafford County, dated 5 April 1703. In it he writes:
. I give unto my daughter ELIZA. ELKIN 480 pounds of Tobo. which ABRAHAM DIPREE turned into my land for building RICHD. ELKINS Tobo. House the said Tobo. to buy her a Gown & Petticoat with .. it is my will that Richard Elkin should buy his son RICHARD ELKIN my grandsou a mare of 3 years old and enter it upon the records in lieu of the Martinico mare he lost of mine .. and I hope the Worshipful Court will see it performed .. it is my will Richard Elkin should have 2 yews and a ram to be delivered at six years old to put him to school ..
That indicates the only child of Elizabeth (Bryant) Elkins born yet, as of 1703, is Richard (b abt 1699).
Ralph was born about 1698 (see http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=mrmar...) and married about 1718.