This profile for Sir Thomas de Grey seems to have been miss-merged at sometime. It must of been near Jan 6, 2014 at 7:27 PM as this is when the parents John & Lucy were removed and to far back for a undo merge, but I'm not sure this John Grey, of Heaton & Lucy de Mohun would be Thomas' correct parents.
His dates look to be for Thomas son of John de Grey and father of Thomas de Grey who married Agnes de Beyle, Robert & Joan but probably not the one who married Guy le Bretton.
The Thomas de Grey who is son of Sir Robert de Grey, kt. and Joan de Valoines, had dau. Joan de Grey who married m. Guy le Bretton.
I have not seen the wives of either Thomas de Grey on the references.
There is a Thomas de Grey who married a Alice Neville, son of Sir Thomas Grey, Kt., of Heaton and Joan (Jane) de Mowbray but he was born in 1384, the Alice Neville connected as wife to this Sir Thomas is listed born circa 1269.
Found a duplicate for Sir Thomas de Grey, of Heaton attached to the father John de Grey, Sir Thomas de Grey, of Heaton
Or Thomas Grey just connected to a dau. Joan Isabel Grey.
It depends on how you want to split the connections this Thomas currently has dates for son of John so you can remove him from Robert & replace with Thomas Grey who has dau. Joan who can be merged with Joan de Bretton (de Grey) removed from this Thomas.
Keep this Thomas and change his dates remove the son Sir Thomas de Grey, of Heaton and attach him to Sir Thomas de Grey, of Heaton
I have also found a duplicate for the son Sir Thomas de Grey, of Heaton that is also MP Sir Thomas de Grey, of Heaton but has the incorrect parents.
One of the problems is that we have multiple trees for the Grey families, and every single one of them has errors.
The farther back you go, the worse the errors get.
There was at least one case (Hawise de Grey, sister of John de Grey bishop of Norwich and mother of Walter de Grey Archbishop of York) where the name simply *must* have passed through the female line - but no one before modern times could see it, because they were all such blind male chauvinists. So they kept making up fake Grey husbands and messing up the pedigree. But unless she married a Grey cousin - and there is no evidence of that either - *she* was the Grey and her husband, probably of lesser degree, adopted *her* name.
There was another instance where even the most pigheaded were finally FORCED to admit it, in the Neville family. There was absolutely no other way to explain the descent from Uhtred of Durham and have a pedigree that made any sense.
Uhtred's grandson Robert (who had adopted the Norman-style last name "FitzMaldred") married Isabel de Neville, and their son Geoffrey, inheriting from both parents, adopted his *mother's* name for its higher prestige value. Their descendants were the Nevilles of Raby....
This has come up again.
Apparently the site http://fabpedigree.com/s008/f351726.htm shows him as son of John de Grey by Lucy Heaton, and also with a son Andrew; Ingvild Alme was kind enough to call to my attention that this seems a duplicate of John Grey, of Heaton & his wife Lucy de Mohun.
Perhaps give Sir John a NN placeholder wife?
Is there anymore cleanup of the profile notes we can do?