St. Mary Magdalene - Could relics recently found in Historic Jamestowne Virginia, be that of St. Mary Magdelene?

Started by Alfred "Ed Moch" Cota on Sunday, October 18, 2015
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In late 2013, four bodies were found in Historic Jamestowne, Virginia. In 2014, Under the Dr. Kelso, they began to dig. A number of artifacts were uncovered which included a mysterious ampule holding some relics buried with one of them? In June 2015, it was reported in Smithsonian American Magazine, the identity of the four individuals. Upon cleaning of the mysterious ampule, some symbols were found on it and catscaned. The symbols seemed Templar in nature and they might be the relics of St. Mary Magdelene. The catscan revealed bone fragments and possible fluid? More tests are still being made at this time. Additional clues are still being unearth at Historic Jamestowne. Please refer to "Jamestown Discoveries" for more information and updates.

Thanks for sharing. I had not heard of this before. I have Jamestown ancestors but also follow ancient Wales and Britain. What a curious find.

Hello, I'm a Knight Templar of the York Rite. It's very unlikely Templars would have brought a ampule associated with Mary Magdalene to the American shores. There were just too many neat places to hide things in the south of France. Including the Templar Treasure, which isn't at Oak Island, by the way. I would suggest a book: 'The Magdalene Legacy' by Laurence Gardner. If you're really interested in finding out more about the Magdalene.
- Sir Michael D. Barnes

I love the mystery, the telling of a tale even if proven to be untrue leads us on a journey of imagination. With that said, I do not add Speculation as Fact.

Laurence Gardner is widely regarded as a pseudo-historian. His work has no place on Geni.

Thanks Justin - - - Great reads

Are you judging for the rest of us now, Justin?
Since there is no true evidence even for the existence of Jesus, I would say it's all fair game. Unless you, of course, have the "TRUTH" neatly stowed in your pocket like some much loss change. By all means, share it with us.

I wish to also add, if you're not a Knight Templar what makes you think you know?

There is NO evidence of the existence of Jesus outside the bible. There are five references to 'christos', meaning the anointed one. But, everybody and his cousin at that time was anointed, Including Herod. If anybody was anybody and had a claim to a throne they were anointed.

The 'evidence' that most "profound" believers use is Josephus's 'Antiquities of the Jews' in the "Testimonium Flavium." This best "proof" has been demonstrated continuously over the centuries that it was a forgery manufactured by the Catholic Church, and was inserted into Josephus's works. The account is so thoroughly refuted, that biblical scholars since the 19th century have refused to refer to it, unless to mention its false nature.

There is absolutely NO mention of Mary Magdalene outside the bible as well. So unless you have some form of PROOF, stop tell me what I can and can't refer to.

Sir Michael Dave Barnes -- you cited a source, which was a work by Laurence Gardner. Justin pointed out that the author of that source is regarded by scholars as a pseudo-historian.

Justin's point is that the sources we cite need to be the best we can find; in our collaborative work on Geni that would be a major piece of our foundation.

So that is what you need to refute; if you have evidence that Gardner is indeed a legitimate historian, that would be useful here.

And who exactly are you?

I very simply made a point. There is NO evidence of any of they people ever existing. So don't make a point of telling me who I can reference unless you think you can do better. And are you a Knight Templar? I don't think so. This is one of OUR pet peeves, people who think they know something they know nothing about.

I just realized you'll have no idea what I'm talking about.
Let me put it this way. Since there is NO evidence of these biblical people, i.e. Jesus & The Magdalene, ever existing - everything written about them is pseudo-history.

Unless you can prove your pseudo-history writer is any more accurate then my pseudo-writer, what are you complaining about? And what give anybody the right to point my pseudo-writer out as pseudo if your pseudo-writer isn't any better? Or is it just to make oneself look more intelligent?

The biggest pseudo-writing of all is the bible. A book written by men who didn't know where the sun went at night; who thought the world was flat and thought this Earth was the center of the Universe.

From what I've learned over the past many, many years of studying this and related subjects to the original Knight Templars, Gardner get it closer then anybody else thus far. Some thing he does get wrong. But try writing a book. You'll find you've gotten some things wrong during the writing of it. Other things you've gotten wrong will come to light after it's already been published. That's just the way it is. I think it's called being human. It's just all to easy for some people to be a backseat driver and armchair quarterback.

i love flaming discution and alot :)

while we discuss a bit about templar knight there is alot of writing and falsification about all this

fist the templat did not free jesusalem to help jew that was for Christ whenever position and debate we can have
jesus did not existed fine for some but for other is a diferent point of view


Geni is always going to come down on the side of the majority opinion of modern scholars. It has to. There are hundreds of theories about Jesus. They can't all be right, so we rely on experts to tell us what is most likely.

The majority opinion of scholars is that Jesus was a real person. He is mentioned throughout the letters of his contemporary Paul of Tarsus, and he is mentioned twice by Josephus.

Many arm-chair historians make the same mistake you do, thinking that the references to Jesus by Josephus are forgeries. That's a misunderstanding. There is a Slavonic manuscript of Josephus that contains a long passage not found in other manuscripts, where Josephus seems to profess a thoroughly Christian doctrine. It's that manuscript that is not regarded as credible.

Josephus mentions Jesus twice. Once as the brother of James, and once as a miracle worker whose followers thought he was the messiah. The majority opinion of modern scholars is that those passages are genuine, although the surviving manuscripts are late and there is room for doubt.

It's possible to construct a plausible case that Jesus was a cosmic power not a real person. Richard Carrier makes an interesting case for that. He's a respected historian, but his is not the majority view.

Once you cut loose from reliable sources, you can construct just about any theory you like. For example, Ahmed Osman, a pseudo-historian similar to Laurence Gardner, thinks that Jesus was the same person as Joshua, and that he was the son of Moses (who was really Pharaoh Akhenaten) by his sister Miriam (really Nefertiti), and that Jesus married Mary Magdalene (really Ankhsenpa-aten).

Considering all the different theories floating around, it's better to stay close to what the experts are saying.


The Knights Templar were dissolved in 1312 and effectively merged with the Knights Hospitaller. The idea that they somehow survived in secret is an 18th century invention.

This is the majority opinion of scholars, both mainstream and Masonic.

No doubt you have your own ideas on this, but after all the screaming and shouting is done it basically comes down to a matter of personal belief. Some people believe in secret underground traditions, but scholars generally don't.

All 'History' is pseudo-history, outside of our own experience of time, of course that is subject to personal bias.

Academia is nothing more than the socially agreed upon Trivia.

When (Stupid doesn't mean Saint) Justin Martyr falsely commented, concerning the command that Jesus gave, that of, "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God, the things that are God’s," he wrote, "And everywhere we, more readily than all men, endeavor to pay to those appointed by you the taxes both ordinary and extraordinary, as we have been taught by Him; for at that time some came to Him and asked Him, if one ought to pay tribute to Caesar; and He answered, Tell Me, whose image does the coin bear?' And they said, Caesar's."~Chapter XVII of his First Apology

Now either, Justin Martyr was ignorant of the facts or he he was simply a LIAR.

(It is of my opinion Justin Martyr was a sold out Liar.)

Historically, In 6 A.D., Roman occupiers of Palestine imposed a census tax on the Jewish people. By 17 A.D. the tribute was not well-received, as Tacitus reported in Book II.42 of the Annals.

Judas the Galilean taught that "taxation was no better than an introduction to slavery" and "an inviolable attachment to liberty," he and his Zealot Nazaryan disciples recognized God, alone, as king and ruler of Israel.

The 'underground' tax-revolt, led by Judas the Galilean, flowed throughout Judaea during Jesus' ministry. So, (Yesu) Jesus' command, was not a command to pay taxes, rather it was a command to revolt against the economic system of 'Mammon' (the Babylonian economic slavery, ie; debt, interest, usury and abusive taxation). Mammon, it should be noted, a demi-god only answered to the God- Moloch.

Both Roman Catholics and Talmudic Jews control most of modern 'Academia', historically, both have openly lied to the Gentile (Goyim) population, even committing murder and outright genocide of opposing groups (Knights Templar, Teutonic knights, the Cather and Albigensian Crusades, etc.) even against their supposed own people, the Jewish Holocaust in WWII (Thanks to the evidence complied by Lenny Brenner).

And 'Not' to Offend or start an argument but the Talmud instructs a Jew to perform this (in my opinion- fascist and racist) behavior, even promoting superior racial attributes to Jews, comparing the 'Goyim' to swine, animals and empty soulless husks.

It's time to Kill all these so-called Gods.

If Laurence Gardner's take on the Bible story has no place on Geni, then no religion based genealogy or contrived fairy tales, not excluding Oden, Jehovah, YHWH, HaShem, God, Saturn, El Elyon, El Shaddai, Satan or Stupid, should be a GENI.COM.

If any of us applied 'Truth' being honest, first with our self, we'd admit that we know nothing.

History is a confessed Lie.

And my apologies, in my haste I misspelled his name, it's spelled 'Lenni' !

Thomas, if you really believed that all history is pseudo-history and that history is a confessed lie, you'd sign off Geni and give up the search for it.

Your argument seems to be that there is a vast conspiracy to re-write history, but you and your faction have the unique ability to recover the truth.

The problem I see is that everyone with an Evangelical Project believes that, but they can never quite agree with one another.

I didn't inherit the True Believer gene. I'm content to accept the opinions of the experts while simultaneously reading and enjoying the counter-arguments.

There is no one as blind as he who doesn't want to see.

Thks for sharing this is grt news i have relatives in Jamestown

I did also had a cousin in Jamestown, but who were the other two?

Capt. Gabriel Archer of Jamestown is my 18th cousin five times removed.
Capt. Gabriel Archer of Jamestown

Reverend Robert Hunt, of Jamestown

"The four men, aged 24-39 years, have been identified by combining modern technology with research in British archives. Among those identified by the experts were the Reverend Robert Hunt, the first Anglican minister of the colony, and Captain Gabriel Archer, both of whom were part of the first colonizing expedition of 1607."

Captain Gabriel Archer of Jamestown is my 11th cousin 10xremoved

the relic was not in a protestant place ..its later it became protestant?

The relic was in a Protestant cemetery. It was found in the grave of a man whose family were secret Catholics.

This explanation makes it clearer:

"what has captured attention of historians is that in Captain Archer’s grave a small silver box, apparently containing the relics of a saint (or saints) was found. This is extraordinary given that the Church of England—the Church to which the colonists have always been thought to belong—was in an extreme Puritan phase at the time and would have abhorred the idea of any Anglican having such a papist trinket. Now Captain Archer’s parents, John Archer Sr. and Eleanor Frewin from Mountnessing in Essex, England were known to be Recusants (secret Catholics), so was their son also a Roman Catholic? Secret, of course, as it was highly illegal to be a Catholic in England—or England’s colonies—especially in those days after the Gunpowder Plot.

"Nevertheless, if Archer were secretly a Catholic he wasn’t alone. George Kendall, a member of the Colony’s Council was secretly a Catholic and George Percy, son of the Earl of Northumberland and at times Governor of the Colony came from a family that had largely remained Catholic (though secretly) after the Reformation. (Kendall was apprehended and executed as a spy, presumably for Catholic Spain.) Was there then a secret Catholic congregation in the settlement?"

at the end of the article they write fort caroline was spanish

those amateur historian dont know the history loll its was french!

3 lys (lis)

back to the relic do they made some dna testing if they test the body since then and they know who it was ( surly it was marqued remain....on the place...and dna proof who was who....

now we are in 2015 so the relic ?

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