m secondly (Jul 1218) EMMA de Laval Dame de Laval, widow of ROBERT [III] Comte d'Alençon, daughter of GUY [VI] Seigneur de Laval & his wife Avise de Craon ([1197/98]-27 Apr 1264, bur Abbaye de Clermont). "Guido dominus sextus de Lavalle" donated property to Olivet priory, for the soul of "Ozannæ filiæ meæ", by charter dated to [1205], witnessed by "Haoys uxore mea, Guido filius meus, Emma filia mea"[664]. A manuscript genealogy of the Lords of Beaumont record the marriage of “Robertum comitem Alencheii” and “Emmam filiam Guidonis domini de La Val” after the death of his wife “Joanna…filia domini Josberti de Guirchia”[665]. "Robertus comes d’Alencon et dominus Lavallis et Emma uxor eius filia Guidonis de Lavalle et hæres Lavallis" exchanged property with "Yvoni Franco et dominæ Haoys uxori suæ" by charter dated Feb 1216[666]. "Matheus de Montemorenciaco, conestabularius Franciæ et Emma, eius uxor, comitissa de Alanconio et domina Lavallensis" ratified a donation by "dominus Ivo Francus et uxor eius Advisia de Lavalle" to Bellebranche, for the salvation of "domini Guydonis de Lavalle" and for "Hugonis filii sui", by charter dated 1218[667]. "Ama comitissa de Alenceon" donated property to Notre-Dame, Paris for the soul of "domini Mathei de Monte Morenciaco mariti mei defuncti" by charter dated 1230[668]. She married thirdly ([1231]) JEAN Seigneur de Toucy et de Laval. "Joannes dominus de Toceio miles" confirmed commitments made for his marriage to "Emmam comitissam de Alenchon et dominam de Lavalle" by charter dated 1231[669]. The necrology of Joyenval records the death “27 Apr...circa 1280“ of "dominæ Emmæ comitissæ Alençonio, dominæ de Valle Guyonis, domini Guillelmi de Bellomonte [error] uxoris” and that “domini Guidonis de Laval filii eorum primogeniti” confirmed their donations[670].