
Started by Private on Friday, March 18, 2016
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Even if I KNOW that someone is say, my 8th GGF... it will tell me that they're my 10th cousin's father's uncle's sister's husbands grandfather lol
Drives me crazy. Or it'll take me through 37 relatives when it's only really 8. What gives.. I am better with dirrect x number great grand parents then say 7th great aunt's husband's brother's wife's second great aunt's husband's 7th great niece's husband why can't we all keep it simple and easy to understand?

It sounds linke there are outstanding merge issues. If you on the furthest profile from yours click on actions, nexto thue follow/unfollow. In will drop down, then click on "view nerby merge issues". Work your way back to your own profile. If you do find any, you will have to copy the link url then paste it to the "ATTENTION Curators, please assist" and request a curator to do the merge. Else go directly to and ask the curators for assistace.

Thank you. Dea. William Douglas is the profile in question it goes me
my momMichelle Ann McCann
her dad → Guy Donald "Don" LaPoint
his mother → Marion LaPoint
her father → Henry b douglas
his father → Samuel Douglas, Jr.
his father → Samuel Douglas, Sr.
his mother → Lucretia Douglas
her father → David Calkins
his mother → Lucretia Calkins
her mother → Susanna Turner
her mother → Sarah Keeney
her father → Dea. William Douglas

When it should go me
My mom Michelle
her father donald
his mother marion
her father henry
his father samuel
his father samuel
his father william
his father william
his father william
his father richard
his father william
his father william profile in question...
I get they need to save server space and all but....

Im not connected to that profile. Though i do see 2 oustanding merge issues, and 19 tree conflicts. 446 data conflicts. Those can take some time to resolve. Give it a few days and then we can check again. You may have to go to the tree conflict profiles and reqest the the managers to resolve the issues if you can do them your self. That takes time unfortunatley, as i also have some im trying to sort out, and the managers dont always get back tofast. I have requests to be added as manager of some of my grandparents and been waiting for over a year.....
i will see if I can find anything els for you.

I am a curator on geni. I will be happy to take a look at things for you. Unfortunately I have a few long work days starting tomorrow morning. I start my vacation on Thursday so will have more time after that.


9th GGPs. No problem with this profile, but I, too, have been getting a lot of convoluted paths, lately. It's particularly annoying when you can see a grandparent in the "red" or "green" & your path is through some aunt's husband's relative.
Then there's St. Brychan, my 26th great uncle & 31st GGF - so you know what path is always going to come up. Still beats sifting through countless volumes in languages I can't read, in places I can't afford to travel, in order to put my tree together!

Linda I know how you feel!

Thank you all. I didn't realize that line was such a cluster well you know.. I figured one or two merge issues but not all that extra stuff I will figure out how to proceed from here and get back to you.. There are a number of places where I am unsure about the data conflicts also we need to figure out how to deal with the fact that the dad named the son after him and figure out where to put william 1 william 2 william 3 william sr william jr and so on

Thats the nice thing about geni, it's all a team effort. Together it will be figured out. My THW line went from 1-9 all with the same name. That seems to happen in a few families i've come across here.

ya it can be a blessing in cases like this or it can be down right a curse.. there are times when i've had to deal with it's my way or the high way or geniological police on here that make me wonder if team efforts are worth it

Ya and sometimes it's a curse, when the team won't play!

So far I see
Has offered to take a look in a few days time. Another has already done one merge. So thats a start. Next is to go to the tree conflicts and bring it to the attention of the managers that there are conflict, if they can please assist in resolving those. All should be sorted pritty soon.

I did some work on this last night and today. Cleaned up about 15 merge issues and 200 data conflicts

ok thanks. I've been bogged down with real life was going to sit down and go thru what i had on paper which didn't match up past my 4th great grandfather but that will have to come later.
Eileen Winifred Warren II Linda Wellman Lori Lynn Wilke I was rereading this to make sure i had my paper trail right and i found somthing... on a side note.. you mentioned odd paths.. well I have a question.. On my trail here it says I connect to john alden thru I think it was his great grandaugther rebecca southworth (pabodie) but the spouse of rebecca william.. his sister maried john's son so would he be 10th great grandpa or 10th great grand uncle?

Michael How do I unmerge from someone else's tree in here?

Lori Lynn Wilke Erica Howton could you help her I am busy at the moment.. thanks.. I,m trying to clean up and look at souces for somthing..

Angela K. House

There is only ONE tree on geni.

If there is a bad connection, please post the profile link and action requested on this "sticky" discussion for curator assistance:

Thank you erica.. I am deep in a book about douglas's trying to analize unknown Proctor (douglas)

Erica - re: "There is only ONE tree on geni." - Geni officially repudiated that terminology. At least in the past, Geni officially distinguished between Forest and Tree -- using the terms 'Forest' and "Tree" as Geni defined them, the World Tree is Not A Tree - it is a Forest, and there are many, many Trees on Geni.

One place you can still see that terminology: If you go to "Research" and then to "Share Your Tree" and choose "GEDCOM Export" -- one of the choices is "Forest including connected inlaw trees A Forest export may take several days to complete."

Folks should not be chastised on Geni for using terms on Geni the way Geni has defined them.

When you're used to working in a single tree structure, even if it is shared with family members, it is sometimes difficult to wrap your mind around:

"there is no "your" tree or "my" tree, there is only one tree of everyone, because we are all connected."

So I find that nice and simple. But you are welcome to continue to chastise me. :):)

I think perhaps we have a situation a bit analogous to the optical illusion (hopefully everyone reading this is familiar with), that switches between looking like a vase and looking like two faces looking at each other -

The analogy being that the meaning of "Tree" flips back and forth, just as what one sees in that situation flips back and forth.
At least, it seems to do so for Geni, which uses it both ways on an inconsistent basis - Geni officially defined "Tree" one way but then used it the other way in their term "World Tree" - thus undercutting their own attempts to distinguish between the terms 'Tree' and 'Forest'.

It definitely is correct to say there are many, many Trees on Geni.
The way you (Erica) think of it also makes sense.
[they use two different definitions of Tree]

Even using the more limited meaning of the term 'Tree' - with many, many Trees on Geni making up Forests/the Forest - each Tree still does not belong to just one person.

Yes, agree. There's a phylogenetic tree structure we're all familiar with from high school, but really, family's are "not" trees, they are groupings. I like to think of them as venn diagrams, but even that is too tidy for "real life."

My family tree has branches growing in many dirrections. Some long, some short, some a little bent and some wrapped around each othet , with many related leafs.

My family tree has branches growing in many dirrections. Some long, some short, some a little bent and some wrapped around each othet , with many related leafs.

"Even if I KNOW that someone is say, my 8th GGF... it will tell me that they're my 10th cousin's father's uncle's sister's husbands grandfather" I had just got those words out of my mouth, telling my husband, when I stumbled on this. Soooo true.

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