I loved his music he was so talented Prince is my 14 cousin once removed here is my linkhttps://www.geni.com/path/Judy-Rice+is+related+to+Prince?from=60000...
here is my link the other one did not work https://www.geni.com/path/Judy-Rice+is+related+to+Prince?from=60000...
"A little known Prince factoid. When Prince read that Louisville was going close the Western Branch Library ( which is the first full service library for African Americans in country) he wrote a $10,000 check to the Western Branch Library Association to support the library."
A recent article:
Prince gave us the 'parental advisory' label ....
So I thought I'd see how Prince & Tipper Gore are related. Geni says:
Prince is Tipper Gore's husband's second cousin 6 times removed's husband's great niece's husband's second great grandson's ex-partner's ex-partner.
Mandy and Judy: once removed means that the relationship is off by one generation.
Let's say Mandy and Judy are third cousins once removed. Mandy has to go back three generations to get to the grandparent that is the sibling of Judy's grandparent. However, Judy has to go back four generations. Hence once removed. Mandy is Judy's mom (or dad's) third cousin. Judy is Mandy's daughter (or son's) fourth cousin.
Another way to look at it is one has to go back four generations to get to the common ancestor (the same great-grandparent); while the other has to go back five.
I recently found out that I'm a 13th cousin twice removed to a friend of mine. That means that one of us has to go 15 generations back to get to the sibling; the other has to go back 13 generations.
Prince is my 17th cousin once removed.
→ David Ronald Davis
your father → Raymond Earl Davis
his father → Ralph Raymond Davis
his father → Cassie A Davis
his mother → Amos L Jackson
her father → Andrew Jackson, Jr
his father → Phebe Jackson
his mother → Henry Jones
her father → Susannah Jones
his mother → Benjamin Sweet
her father → Richard Sweet
his father → John Sweet, of Newport
his father → Mary Holliman
his mother → Guy Westcott
her father → Edward Westcott
his father → Stephen Westcott
his father → Thomas Westcott, Sr.
his father → Guy Westcott
his father → Anne Porter
his sister → John Porter
her son → Joane Porter
his daughter → Margery Wingate
her daughter → William Norton
her son → Richard Norton
his son → John Norton, Sr
his son → Elizabeth Plumb
his daughter → Ruth Wheeler
her daughter → Hezekiah Bunnell
her son → Nathaniel Bunnell
his son → Capt. Nathaniel Bunnell
his son → Russell Rubert Bunnell
his son → Thomas James Bunnell
his son → Samuel Walter Bonnell
his son → Lucille Shaw
his daughter → Mattie Della Baker
her daughter → Prince
her son