You can check http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Malan-49 for the correct parents. This profile is part of a protected project and the details on it are researched to the highest.
Daan Botes, you've also been doing work here - it looks like there might have been a smerge that you guys were trying to fix. I don't want to untangle one area if there's a knock on effect on other areas you guys were working on.
Taryn Lee Alberts, thanks for the wikitree link but I cannot view the sources for "Son of Antoine Mallan and Isabeau (Verdette) Mallan"
FFYP seems to be one of them, (http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g8/p8267.htm), but they show no known parents.
Can you see something I can't?
I cannot see what went wrong here.
The top Malan researcher, Hercules Malan, can be find here for clarification
Some profiles were added earlier this year, think this might have added to the complexity. Agree with Daan. The Malan Bond is the place to go. On their website they have no parents listed for the Malan progenitor. I have written to Hercules to ask. Well let you know what his answer is.
Hi everybody, this is the answer I received from Dr Hercules Malan:
Beste Chris,
Jacques Malan se ouers was Jacques Malan en Marie Rouet. Dit is volgens 'n dokument van 1685 wat inwoners van St Martin-de-la-Brasque moes onderteken om hulle Protestantse geloof af te sweer. Weiering om die dokument te teken sou daartoe gelei het dat die mans as slawe na die galleie gestuur sou word en die vroue in die gevangenis gegooi sou word. Hulle kinders is dan aan Katolieke gesinne gegee sodat hulle as Katolieke grootgemaak kon word.
Hercules Malan
Private User, can you ask Dr Malan for his Sources for the abjuration document?
I wonder if it has something to do with this remark of Harry Booyens' in his China article: "As a byproduct of this work we have also established greater clarity as regards the family relationships
among some of the refugees and we can now confirm that the Anthoine “Madan” of the 23 December 1687 VOC list is in fact Anthoine Mallan, cousin of South Africa's Jacques Malan."
I can't see where he gives us the sources for that, though.
Wilma Greyling (Basson) says about this profile: Jacques Malan, SV/PROG
Hi dear all
We all of a sudden have conflicts here - again! This never stops! ARGH!!! Judi, Daan? What do you think?
Delia Robertson has this on ffyp: E-mails from Robert Rey and website (http://gw.geneanet.org/robertrey) to Delia Robertson, February 2014 "Jacques MALLAN, who wife Isabeau LONG, names her farm " la Motte " to Oliphantshoekq. He is certainly native of la Motte d'Aigues, and not of Cabrières d'Aigues. In this hypothesis, the only possibility is the following one :
There is only a single family MALLAN to la Motte d'Aigues in 1685, which "abjure" on 23.10.1685, "François MALLAN, 44 ans, tisseur à toile, Catherine RAMBERT, 38 ans, sa femme, Pierre, 18 ans, et Jacques, 16 ans, ses fils" - citing Bernard Appy abjurations to which he has access."http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g8/p8267.htm
From the About:
The Mallans
There are three Mallans living in and around Saint Martin de la Brasque:
The unmarried Jacques Mallan will become the progenitor of all the Malans in South Africa, a number of whom will play central political roles in South Africa centuries later. http://members.shaw.ca/cliffwoodfogge/Documents/China4thEdition.pdf
Isabeau Richarde in Booyens 'China'
Pierre Mallan, wife Isabeau Richarde from St. Martin de la Brasque; Church records for arrival in Genève 12.09.1687; Schaffhausen 30.09.1687; Frankfurt 31.10.1687 (In South Africa she is known as Richard(e), and it is given that way also by the VOC, but at Frankfurt, the only church where Mallan's wife is identified by name, it is Tricharde. This was likely an error as the surname Richard was reasonably common in the Luberon.) VOC records in Rotterdam Dec 1687 for proposed China ship list: Pierre Malan (23) and his wife Isabeau Richarde (20)
...When Isabeau Richarde steps off the China, she is by all accounts already married to Pierre Joubert although there is no emphatic record of that. We therefore conclude that Pierre Joubert, though in a slightly different category, also sailed on the China and, likely, was married to Isabeau by the ship's unknown chaplain ...Isabeau Richarde -Boarded and survived - married to P. Mallan then P. Joubert ...Given that his wife, Isabeau Richarde, has been concluded to be on the ship, it is most likely that Pierre Mallan boards the ship with her, but perishes on board. Isabeau then marries Pierre Joubert, after he loses his own young wife, Suzanne Reyne on board.
Pierre Joubert and Isabeau Richard will give us the huge Joubert family of South Africa, including Kommandant-General Piet Joubert, leader of the Boer forces in two wars against Britain. In this he will gain the reputation of being the only military leader in the world to formally defeat Britain in a war in the Victorian era – the First Anglo-Boer War of 1881. He will also be leader in the second war and gain thereby the admiration of all of Continental Europe.
Pierre Jaubert, Suzanne Reyne & Isabeau Richarde in Boucher
The name Pierre Jaubert (Joubert) does not appear in the December 1687 list of refugees on the Berg China; that of Susanne Reyne (Resne), however, “jonge dochter out 20 jaren”, is included. There was clearly a last-minute marriage here, as the register of the Walloon church at Brielle in the United Provinces indicates. The ceremony took place on February 1, 1688 and was conducted by Godefroi Lambiron after the publication of the required banns in a single day, with special permission of the town-council. The wording of the marriage entry has perpetuated an error: the bride is described as “Susanne Reyne de la Roque, native d’Antheron en provence”. It should read: “Susanne Reyne, native de La Roque-d’Antheron en Provence”.171 La Roque, closely linked until 1663 with the Lourmarin church, lies south of the Durance. Pierre Jaubert’s place of birth is correctly given as La Motte- d'Aigues. At the time of his marriage he would be about twenty-four years of age.
Also in the embarkation list for the Berg China are Pierre Malian (Malan), a young man of twenty-three, and his wife of twenty, Isabeau Richarde. Herein lies an apparent mystery, since we hear no more of Pierre Malian and Susanne Reyne and find that at the Cape Pierre Jaubert is the husband of Isabeau (Elisabeth) Richarde. It is perhaps no mystery at all. Death doubtless claimed two of these refugees and the survivors remarried.172 The place where this second ceremony took place remains uncertain.
• M. Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA: Ch 7: Cape Settlers III: from South-Eastern France and Adjoining Territories p189
On the basis of Harry Booyens' research for "God Bless the Good Ship China" held by the Huguenot museum: https://huguenotmuseum.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Booyens-H-...
we know that there are three Mallans living in and around Saint Martin de la Brasque:
This makes it highly unlikely that Jacques is the son of 38yrold Anthoine and his 23 yr old wife Eilsabeth Verdette - who are only registered as having a 10 month old daughter. It is not impossible that Jacques was a c16yrold son of a previous marriage of Anthoine's (who would then have had him at c 22yrs old) - but then, as a minor he should (I think) have been listed as Anthoine's son. If Jacques was 18 or over on the China, it seems unlikely - not impossible - that Anthoine was his father.
Nevertheless, Eilsabeth was def not his mother.
On the basis of this, I'm disconnecting Antoine Mallan and Isabeau Verdette as Jacques' parents.
Private I've messaged you asking you to add yourself as a manager of these existing profiles, rather than creating duplicates that cause a lot of work - like this - in the historical part of the tree.
Private User's response here https://www.geni.com/discussions/155737?msg=1085424 is the only 'proof' we have of the parents, and without the 1685 abjuration doc, it is only hearsay that no other researcher seems to have found:
Hi everybody, this is the answer I received from Dr Hercules Malan:
Beste Chris,
Jacques Malan se ouers was Jacques Malan en Marie Rouet. Dit is volgens 'n dokument van 1685 wat inwoners van St Martin-de-la-Brasque moes onderteken om hulle Protestantse geloof af te sweer. Weiering om die dokument te teken sou daartoe gelei het dat die mans as slawe na die galleie gestuur sou word en die vroue in die gevangenis gegooi sou word. Hulle kinders is dan aan Katolieke gesinne gegee sodat hulle as Katolieke grootgemaak kon word.
Hercules Malan
Nevertheless, I'm going to lock these parents in on the basis of that - to prevent us having to deal with extras that keep being added.
Would be great to set eyes on that doc, though.
I see http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g8/p8267.htm makes Jacques 18 or 19 on the Berg China's pre-boarding list.
This From First Fifty Years - http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g5/p5761.htm E-mails from Robert Rey and website (http://gw.geneanet.org/robertrey) to Delia Robertson, February 2014 "Mariage le 02.07.1687 à Saint-Martin-de-la-Brasque de "Pierre MALAN, 25 ans, fils de Daniel et de feue Marguerite SADAILLAN, de ce lieu de Saint Martin, avec Elisabeth RICHARDE fille de feu Jean et de feue Louise RAMBERTE, de Peipin ". My thanks to Robert Rey for sharing this record."
"Marriage on 02.07.1687 in Saint-Martin-de-la-Brasque of" Pierre MALAN, 25 year old, son of Daniel and the late Marguerite SADAILLAN, from this place of Saint Martin, with Elisabeth RICHARDE daughter of the late Jean and the late Louise RAMBERTE, from Peipin
from Dr Hercules Malan:
Jacques Malan se ouers was Jacques Malan en Marie Rouet. Dit is volgens 'n dokument van 1685 wat inwoners van St Martin-de-la-Brasque moes onderteken om hulle Protestantse geloof af te sweer.
From Harry Booyens' research for "God Bless the Good Ship China" held by the Huguenot museum: https://huguenotmuseum.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Booyens-H-...
Jacques Mallan is the cousin of Pierre and Anthoine.