María Fernández de Henestrosa, señora de Coviellas - Birth year of Maria de Henestrosa

Started by Private User on Friday, May 20, 2016
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Sources tab reveals nothing. Evidence, please!
The highly respected Genealogics site says her mother's father died around 1253, which does not tally with her mother's (also unsourced here) birth year of 1264. Even 1264 makes the mother about 53 when Maria was born, and the Genealogics date puts the "1317" beyond credence.

This is what I have in my records:

1 RamiroDiaz

1 1185cFruelaRamirezDeCifuentes1223c
@ SanchaFernandezDeTovar
2 1200DiegoRamirezFrroilaz(Castilla)[S]Mansilla,Rueda
3 1232AriasDiazDeAsturias-[S]Valderabano en 1296-Ricohombre-ConfirmoVarios Privilegis 1278-1306 Arias Díaz de Valderabano de Asturias
@ 1245AldonzaRamirezFruelaz1356[S]Alcañices
4 1264MariaAriasDeAsturias Maria de Henestrosa (de Asturias)
@ 1264FernanGonzalezDeHenestrosaVII[S]Henestrosa

Also this source is good for thta period:

Informe del origen, antiguedad, calidad, i sucession de la Excelentissima casa de Sarmiento de Villamayor
By José Pellicer de Ossau i Tovar
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