This discussion is a continuation of https://www.geni.com/discussions/142108 wherin one of your friendly neighborhood Curators suggested we create a discussion as a focal point for users requesting help from Geni's curators (see https://www.geni.com/curators for more information about curators).
The purpose of this discussion is to enable you to easily post requests for assistance. Posting requests here will get you a much faster response than contacting us privately, as all curators can see this discussion, as well as many other users who can assist as well.
Presently what we can help you with is:
* "killing zombies" - Zombies are historical profiles that are wrongly marked as living, and thus block merges. Please continue posting these requests here: https://www.geni.com/discussions/142109
* Make public – if a historical profile is wrongly marked as private, we can ask the system to check if it should be marked public.
* Complete pending merges between ANY pair of public profiles.
A MAJOR caveat to our work is that we can only help with profiles/trees already connected to the so-called “big-tree” (really a forest) of almost 50 million profiles
If you found a duplicate tree that is NOT yet connected, we can’t help. You’ll have to go the usual root - initiate contact with the manager(s) of the other tree.
We most STRONGLY recommend that you ALWAYS first try and contact the other managers. You WILL get better and faster results that way (we are a last resort).
We also HIGHLY recommend that anyone who is serious about merging in the shared parts of our tree, join the Collaboration Pool. You will find there 500+ people there all wanting to help each other out. Read about it and JOIN here: https://www.geni.com/discussions/74031
While initially we would like to concentrate on cleaning up the shared parts of the historical tree (such as European Royalty), we can and will assist anywhere needed. We will soon also start discussions that are for specific “areas” of the tree, for better focus.
What we can’t and WILL NOT do is:
* Do YOUR work for you. If you see duplicates in a tree, and can stack them, please do so, BEFORE you ask us to complete the merges. Do the maximum that you can. There are 5,000,000 of you users, and only 24 Curators... WE need YOUR help at least as much as you need us. This is a TEAM effort.
* Before you ask us to merge a "stack" of pending merges, do through the stack yourself, and check if all of the profiles belong there. It is NOT too hard, and you'll save everybody a lot of work and grief. You might find the following guide useful: http://wiki.geni.com/index.php/Resolving_Merge_Issues
* Connect new trees to the “big-tree”. If you want to do so, please have the courtesy to explain to the manager(s) of the unconnected tree, what this means and involves. MOST problems in the “big-tree” are due to people being dragged into it, against their will or without anyone explaining what this means.
* MOST importantly - We will NOT force ANY decisions on any one. If you have issues with the other manager(s), please try and work them out first.
Feel free to join the discussion, we'd like to hear your opinions as well.
Thank you,
The Geni Curator Team
There seems to be a problem with MH matches again.
It often takes multiple confirms before the confirm will be registered
But this one is still a problem:
What could be the problem with these profiles?
I made a mistake when adding my great great-grandparents's info. Somehow I ended up adding them as my great grandparents IN ADDITION to my great grandparents which now shows my grandfather as having had two sets of parents. Can you please assist @ Edward Louis de Hart.
My Grandfather was Edward Louis de Hart, married to Engela Helena Catharina de Hart (Jooste), born 1906.
My Great Grandparents were Edward Louis de Hart, Married to Olga Rozala de Hart (Hartman) and my great great grandparents were Henri Coenraad de Hart, married to Christina Maria de Hart (van Niekerk).
Could you correct this for me please?
Edna de Beer (de Hart)
Yes, indeed it can! That was actually a simple fix, but things can get overwhelming.
Any profiles that you have yourself added should show a "Relationship" tab, when you go into "edit profile."
From there, if it exists for you, you can detach partners and parents.
Look and see if the that tab exists for you in those profiles -- that's how I did it; I detached the wrong parents from your grandfather; everything else was intact.
BUT this won't work unless you're the manager of the profile.
I need help disconnecting as manager of any profiles connected to this profile as I just found it was a bad merge :( .. I tired to disconnect but it took whom she had as the father out UGH! could someone help me .. Please and Thank you
Sarah Nancy Kissinger
Private User
Are you sure they are the same. Surname Jones and Jonsson
Please chech the comparisons
@Mathelin de Bellesme, Seigneur d'Essaye
In the about me @Terry Jackson (Switzer) states There is no record of this person as child of Guillaume I de Belleme dated 1/1/2013
@https://www.geni.com/people/Guillaume-I-Talvas-de-Belleme-seigneur-... at the top @Terry Jackson (Switzer) States his issue as: Warinus [Guerin] de Bellême,Foulques de Bellême,Robert de Bellême, GUILLAUME [II] "Talvas" de Bellême, IVES
Should this profile not be mastered - and both parents set at NN so this reconnection does not occured again????
Private User
I did a undo merge on Mestwin II, Duke of Pomerania and reported it as a Claimed historical Profile.
The unmerged profile is Mestwin II, Duke of Pomerania
Thanks @Angus Wood-Salomon
I do not think it was linked until I found the other tree today - the info for GUILLAUME I and his father were not correct in name and dates - you will see I had to update those profiles - Just love it when people take just certain information to try and connect to a tree with royalty or such in it
I need some nice curator to lock the name field on this profile
Märta Björnsdotter (pukehorn) af Ulfsunda
because two different user newly changed it in a wrongly way, and I do not want to start an editing war, the profiles correct name are:
Märta Björnsdotter (Pukehorn), af Ulfsunda
nothing else, and shouldn't be changed to something else, period, in fact, you can lock down the whole profile since nothing new would arrive.
Private User Tackar vänligast! Det underlättar som sagt var på sikt, bara idag har jag ägnat timmar åt att ta bort makars binamn från kvinnor, vilket även avslöjat en del felkopplingar som jag tvingats rätta till, så mycket arbete i onödan det skapar! Fruarna skall ha sina namn, männen sina, annars blir det som med denna profilen, Märta Jönsdotter Stierna, Bååt, Halvhjort (Ryzia) ja, hon var ju gift flera gånger, OMG!!! Jag återställde givetvis namnet till originalet,
Märta Jönsdotter (Ryzia)
Med anledning av ovanstående vill jag bidra med denna lista. En och samma person har gått till angrepp under senaste två dagarna:
Knut Bengtsson (Aspenäs)
Sofia Gertsdotter Snakenborg
Knut Bengtsson (Aspenäs)
Bengt Knutsson (Aspenäs)
Elisabet Stegelman
Henriette Stegelman
Anna von Creutz
Maria Gustava le Febure
Katarina Charlotta (Stierncrona)
Agneta Charlotta (Silfverstolpe)
Beata Sofia Stierncrona
Sara Jennings
Anna Charlotta Kurck
Anna Johansdotter Berner
Christina Sparre
Ingevald Pettersson Crusebjörn
Helena Kruse
Gertrud Mauritzdotter Laxman
Kristina Abrahamsdotter Rommel
Cecilia Olofsdotter Stenbock
Margareta Charlotta Lillienberg
Maria Juliana Jennings
Maria Christina Bedoire
Elisabet "Betty" Jennings
Sofia Eleonora Rosenhane
Margareta Hedvig Hamilton af Hageby
Hedvig Eleonora Creutz
Christina Magdalena Stenbock
Johan Jakob Frans Jennings
Anna Magdalena Banér
Beata Stenbock
Charlotta Axelsdotter Sparre
Ebba Maria Axelsdotter Sparre
Margareta Catharina Sparre
Anna Månsdotter
Birgitta Jönsdotter (lejonansikte)
Brita Sofia Strömberg
Anna Margareta von Günthersberch
Elisabet Aminoff
Brita Sofia von Günthersberch
Margareta Crusebjörn Durell, Hissing
Anna Turesdotter Körning
Brita Gestrinia
Elsa Enstadia
Helena Wesslander
Helena Leufstadia
Anna Andersdotter Höök
Helena Leufstadia
Margareta Hallenia
Catharina Kram
Job Waterreus Also I had liang22 ask me for entry into Abbreviations & Acronyms for Genealogy - The Accepted project and I also noticed she just started today.. Is that legit or is she a spam bot? I declined just in case.