Chlodio I Long-Hair, King of the Franks - Parents Conflict Created

Started by Sharon Doubell on Tuesday, July 19, 2016
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Colin Bruce Milne can you come and have a look and help to sort it out. Let me know if I must undo your merge.

Well I think Hildegonde de Francie (born de Cologne)
is mother to
Chlodebaud de Cologne
Ungefär 421
Ungefär 484

I have tried to fix the problems yesterday,but it was a chain of conflicts not only one. Now it looks better than yesterday but maybe some problems still are left. Somtimes its hard to understand how the whole tree works.

Thankyou Gunnar for your work helping here. I was hoping Colin Bruce Milne would come and help so he'd get a better sense of what happens when you merge in duplicates in a second or two, and don't take the couple of hours to sorry out the tree conflicts you've created.
We're trying to work on an alternative where he gets a Curator to unlink the duplicate from the world tree instead.


I have a question. Can you connect to an ancestor directly in Geni ? I always add and merge, in Geni but for example in Myheritage you can connect to ancestor directly without adding a person.

Gunnar Regnell

Here is an example of your connection to Chlodio I Long-Hair, King of the Franks'
Gunnar Regnell is Chlodio I Long-Hair, King of the Franks' 44th great grandson!

You can find out any connection to a profile by just opening the profile and clicking on the thumb tack then go to the other profile, click on "How are they related' wait for a while for the answer

Hope this is what you were asking

Go ahead and do the splits on this.

Colin Bruce Milne, you've left a tree conflict on this profile after power merging in the Medieval Tree. - This is the 3rd time. Please come and help us clear it up before you continue power merging. A couple of clicks can be hours of research work for someone else who has to choose between parents on a conflict, and we're battling to get enough Curators and users who are prepared to do it, when it keeps happening.

Colin Bruce Milne you've left a tree conflict on this profile after power merging in the Medieval Tree. . Please come and help us clear it up before you continue power merging.

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