Might I also add that there is no evidence that the du Plessis family in South Africa are descended from Francois du Plessis Seigneur des Breux etc either...There was in fact more than one du Plessis family in France..It wasn't a "one off name"..Jean Prieur du Plessis could be descended from any one of them .For decades it was believed without question, that the SA du Plessis line was descended directly from the family of Cardinal Richelieu...As we are being very particular now regarding records, where are the records for his (Jean Prieur du Plessis) parentage, & ancestry? ...There is also a spurious claim on the Jean le Roux line of descent from an illegitimate child of Francois I of France, which doesn't stand up either ...Now All these lines, plus those that have now been deleted, may well prove to be correct...But as two of these lines have already been cut, leading back to a Royal/aristocratic ancestor, I suggest that all the other "Noble" links be cut as well, unless there are proven records..Or is there something unique about the du Plessis line?..And I speak of someone with du Plessis in her line
Private, I think we have this conversation about twice a year, every year. Your sourced profiles are all still there, but they were on the well known disproved line to Cardinal de Richelieu, so they're not linked to the SA duPLessis progenitor's profile anymore.
Please take a look at the project and find them here, so we can put this to rest once and for all: https://www.geni.com/projects/du-Plessis-Genealogy-of-SA/10778
Some of these royal links are willful thinking. However, the history of the Spanish Netherlands linked noble families of the Iberian peninsula with leading mercantile families of the low countries. In my family for example, Engelina [ Wilhelmina ] van Wyk is a descendant of [Matthijs Lodewijk Jan Elsevier], from a prominent family of booksellers and publishers, who married Barbara Honora Lopez de Haro, from the royal line of Biscay. By this time, Bilboa, on the bay of Biscay, had been long established as the main port for the export of wool to Flanders and for imports to Castille. Barbara de Haro's grandmother was the daughter of the Flemish [Daniel van den Berghe] († 1554) and Maria de la Tour-Tassis († 1601), from the noble house that controlled European postal services and played a crucial role in communications between the Netherlands and the Spanish court. Barbara was descended from several royal houses, including Clovis I the Great, King of the Franks the Counts of Savoy and Geneva (going back to c.1000), Alfonso I, one of the early kings of northern Iberia, [https://www.geni.com/people/Alfonso-I-el-Católico-rey-de-Asturias/6...] and [Theodo II, duke of Bavaria born c.625.]. (Cape historian will recognize the name Elsevier; another of Matthijs's sons came to the Cape as Sekunde of Willem Adrian vd Stel.)
I have added as a profile Emerentia Meyer -- her father's great-grandmother was [Anna VAN DER MEER VAN BERENDRECHT], who was a descendent of the counts of Hainaut and Holland, and thereby of Holy Roman Emperors stretching back into the first millennium. Strong links existed between medieval Flanders and England, united in opposition against the Vikings for centuries. This was the strategic advantage when Alfred the Great's daughter (d.929) married [Baldwin II "the Bald", count of Flanders] (another ancestor of Anna vd Meer van Berendrecht). Edward III's Flemish wife, [Philippa of Hainault], was his mother's (Queen Isabella's) cousin and therefore Edward's second cousin—they required a special papal dispensation to marry, in 1327. Philippa was descended from the dreaded "Black Lady," [Margaret II, countess of Flanders], who connects to a Flemish branch of my tree (the Van Foreest family). Margaret the Black Lady was the great-granddaughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine and also a descendant of [Matilda of Flanders], the wife of William FITZROBERT MP, William the Conqueror, the mother of Henry I of England and the great-grandmother of Henry II of England. So we see how these noble Flemish links tie to royal families of England, France, and Aquitaine.
While the Hainauts linked Flanders to England, the Counts of Holland were linked to Scotland. [Ada de Huntingdon, Countess of Holland], sister of [William "The Lion", King of Scots] married Floris III of Holland.
Here is the Geni path from Anna Van Der Meer Van Berendrecht to Edward III of England, and bear in mind Edward's wife, being Flemish, and his mother (her cousin) have ties to families that came to South Africa: Anna VAN DER MEER VAN BERENDRECHT
his mother → Maximiliaan VAN DER MEER VAN BERENDRECHT
his father → Willem van der Meer van Berendrecht
his father → Vranck Pietersz VAN DER MEER
his father → Pieter Arentsz VAN DER MEER
his father → Arent Vranckensz VAN DER MEER
his father → Catharina van Foreest
his mother → Jan Herpertsz VAN FOREEST
her father → Herpert VAN FOREEST
his father → Aleid, comtesse d'Avesnes
his mother → Jean II d'Avesnes, comte de Hainaut
her father → William III, count of Holland
his son → Philippa of Hainault, Queen consort of England
his daughter → Edward III, king of England
her husband
It's Theunis de Bruyn. His mother was Anna van der Meer van Berendrecht, with the Geni links I posted above to Edward's line.
Sharon Doubell I think the link from Private User is interesting in pointing out that Philippa of Hainault was 'known to be the “most royal” Queen-Consort of England due to four of her great-great-grandfathers all having been kings (of France, Aragon, Naples and Hungary).' So with a connection to her, many royal lines become connected.
From the profile it seems that the parents of Theunis de Bruyn are speculative because we don't have documentary proof. Needs further research.
Eerw. Adrianus van Bergen, SV/PROG 2 is descended from the Elseviers. Another earlier SV/Prog of this family is Samuel Elsevier, SV/PROG Sekunde to Willem Adrian vd Stel.
vivo en América del Sur y mis antepasados eran Europeos estoy conectado con Matilda of Flanders y el dia que comprendan que los hombres fueron y seran conquistadores ,viajeros,aventureros y veran tenemos lazos comunes en todo el planeta porque el mundo se poblo de esa manera y en 100 o 200 años estaran en el Universo y se sera la misma pregunta.