Isabeau Richarde, SM/PROG - Birth Place Sources?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Wednesday, November 2, 2016
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What are the sources used to establish Isabeau Richarde's place of birth as "Saint-Martin-de-Boubaux, Lozère, Languedoc-Roussillon"?
Booyens has her as coming from St Martin in Provence.

Hi Sharon,
No sources as yet I'm afraid. I've been supplying sources slowly to various parts of my line, but with Isabeau, I took it on face value from a My Heritage Match, so feel free to challenge or refute. She's one of my favorite characters so I'd love to look for sources in person, on Provence, but don't know when that will be, or if it will yield any more.
I'd be happy to work with you, but for now I'm still looking for Mulders and Nortons.
Loraine Lamont

Thanks for coming back to me, Loraine Beauonita Lollo Lamont. Yes, I also enjoy her as a character - She certainly seemed to have had an expedient attitude to the men in her life. You feel like you want to write a book about her :-)

I'll leave the query here to remind us that her birthplace it was open to more research.

*birthplace was!

I WAS NAMED AFTER HER!!!! Isabeau Elizabeth.

My mother was a direct ancestor of Pierre Jaubert (later Joubert) her husband... I have always been rather thrilled to be named after her... although as a child nobody could pronounce my name and I always had nicknames... Today I am very proud to have this name (at 61!) :)

Ps. If anybody writes a book about her, please send me the first copy!!! LOL

Isabeau Elizabeth Mallan, SM/PROG is your 7th great grandmother.
→ Anna Maria Joubert
your mother → Frederick Wilhelm Joubert
her father → Gideon Jacobus Joubert
his father → Johannes Stephanus Joubert
his father → Johannes Stephanus Joubert, b5c4d1e2
his father → Gideon Joubert, b8c3d1
his father → Gideon Joubert, b8c3
his father → Gideon Joubert, a1b8
his father → Isabeau Elizabeth Mallan, SM/PROG
his mother

What a great namesake :-)

Sharon Doubell... YES!!! :)

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