"Holocaust researchers excavating Sobibor, a Nazi death camp in eastern Poland, have unearthed a pendant that may be linked to diarist Anne Frank.
According to NBC News, the pendant seems to have belonged to Karoline Cohn who, like Frank, was a Jewish girl born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1929. Frank owned an identical pendant—with 'Mazel Tov' written in Hebrew on one side, together with the girl’s date of birth, and then three Stars of David and the Hebrew initial for 'God' on the other.
Cohn died at Sobibor, whereas Frank died in 1945 at a camp in northern Germany, Bergen-Belsen. Having uncovered the second pendant, researchers are seeking out relatives of both Cohn and Frank to discern if there is any relation between the families. ..."
Above from http://jezebel.com/concentration-camp-excavation-may-reveal-connect...
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I meant I was related to Anne Frank troughout a man who had Goldschmidt to surname before hi took the surname Frank . He lived maybe in Austria , but connected to the Netherlands with the Hebrew Name Aaron Goldschmidt . They were connected to my Wolf Goldschmidt lived in Frankfurt am Main in Germany , his Hebrew Name was Benjamin Zeev. This Benjamin was father of Benedictus Baruch Goldsmit and further father to Jacob Bendix married Elsabe Catharina Peters from Bergenhausen in Germany . These people are on the German Web Site called Goldschmidt - Cassel - Hessen in Germany .
Randy Schoenberg, I just saw your Facebook post about this...have we figured out enough for Private User to potentially write a blog post or send out a release? Several genealogy sites are working on this right now, so it would be great if we could get this scoop.
The only tie to Anne Frank is that they had the same type of pendant, so not much. Here's the path so far. https://geni.com/HPZD9
Cohn is a Polish spelling, so not likely related on the father's side, which is less fleshed out.
Karoline Cohn
Else Cohn
her mother
Gidel Eisenmann
her mother
Simon Samson Sonn
her brother
Henriette Sonn
his wife
Amalie Adler
her mother
Mendel Emanuel Holzinger
her father
Nathan Meyer Holzinger
his brother
Samuel Holzinger
his son
Sigmund Shlomo Holzinger
his son
Anna Rindskopf Holzinger
his wife
Hanna Arnstein Rindskopf
her mother
Adelheid Arnstein
her mother
Rosalie Salie Loewi (Kohn)
her sister
Oskar Loewi
her son
Rebekka Frank Loewi
his wife
Michael Frank
her brother
Otto Frank
his son
Anne Frank
his daughter