Willem van Wijk, SV/PROG 2 - Sources for his parents?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Thursday, March 9, 2017
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3/9/2017 at 8:36 AM

Do we have primary Source evidence to prove that Johanne (Jantgen) van Wijk and Adriaen Gerritsz van Wijk are the parents of Willem van Wijk, SV/PROG 2?

The inestimable Richard Ball does not appear to have it: http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/kfp/I225.html

3/11/2017 at 6:40 AM

Goeie dag Sharon

Ek skryf in Afrikaans want my Engels is nie te goed nie.
Ek is tog van mening dat Adriaan Gerritsz van Wijck en Jantgen Aerts die ouers van Willem van Wijk is, want as ek kyk na die naam gee van Willem se kinders dan volg dit min of meer die gewone wyse van daardie tyd. Arij klink na 'n afkorting van Adriaan,sy oupa se naam.
My ma was 'n afstammeling van die van Wyk familie.

My Epos is nicsteyn1@gmail.com en sal graag ander inligting met jou wil deel oor die Van wyk familie.

Nic Steyn

3/15/2017 at 8:33 AM

Hi Nic Steyn - thankyou for sending me the van Wijk register that you have. Unfortunately we still need primary source documentation to prove these links :-(

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