Ann (Powis) Bevan, convict "Mary Ann" 1816 - Who are Ann Powis parents?

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 5, 2017
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro

Profiles Mentioned:

Showing all 3 posts

This profile is currently showing with 2 sets of parents

- Charles Powis and Ann Powis
- Thomas Powis and Mary Powis

Can anyone add any source documentation for either set of parents?

Tagging profile managers
- Erin Ishimoticha
- Private
- Rosemary Ellen Willingham
- Private User
- Private
- Beverley Dawn Melchior

I have created unknown parents for Ann
{unknown mother of Ann Powis}
{unknown father of Ann Powis}

and detached Charles/Ann and Thomas/Mary until further information can be found.

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