Isaac currently shows as 6th cousin x 13 (it varies as I have multiple paths to him)
"Allerton was an uncommon man of unusual talent who lived a long and active life. His resourcefulness to overcome adversity suggests that he should be counted as one of the remarkable men in early 17th century America." - Robert Jennings Heinsohn, Ph.D.
Isaac Allerton and his 2nd wife Fear Brewster were possibly my 9th gt-grandparents. Have come across documents indicating our Isaac was not overloaded with integrity. He formed his own private trading company that directly competed with that of the Plymouth colony's. Needless to say, the presiding elders were not pleased with him. as a modern historian has phrased it:"Isaac Allerton's character wasn't cut from the same bolt of flawless cloth as his father-in-law's William Brewster".