Gerrit van Wijk and Maria Magdalena Eekhof were married at Drakenstein8 on 2nd November 1738, when Gerrit the husband of Elisabeth Vivier and Maria Provo had been dead almost a year.
No mention is made in the marriage register of his or her marital status (ie. jongman/bachelor or weduwenaar/widower) as was usual at that time and on that page, before and after this entry, but the reason for this becomes plain when one sees that their eldest child was baptised at the same service8 at which his parents were married (it was normal to baptise children and marry couples at the end of a normal Sunday church service).
In 1775 Gerrit and Maria Magdalena drew up a will in which they make special provision for their sons Arie Willems and Gerrit Matthij9. In this will they are named as Gerrit van Wijk Ariisz: en Maria Magdalena Eijkhoff. This will was filed in November 1776, presumably after the death of Maria Magdalena.
When Gerrit van Wijk died intestate in 1787, the accounts drawn up at that time name him as 'Gerrit van Wijk Arrysz:' and list his eleven children, starting with Ary Willemsz van Wijk and including Gerrit Matthijs van Wijk, mentioned in the will above.
When Willem van Wijk died intestate in 1774, his estate accounts10 describe him as 'Willem van Wijk Arijsz:'. He apparently left no wife or children since his estate is divided amongst his brothers and sisters, whole and half, first among whom is Gerrit van Wijk Arijsz:. The names of his brothers and sisters make it plain that this group of Van Wijks are the children of Arij van Wijk Willemsz: and Antonetta Campher. http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/notes/VanWijk_Gerrit.htm
Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz's death date was updated by Nic Steyn 11 Feb at 12:22 PM
Consistency Check: Catharina Elizabeth van Wyk Putter, a2b1c2d2 born after the death of her father Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz, a2b1c2.Gerrit Matthijs van Wijk born after the death of his father Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz, a2b1c2.Martha Elisabeth van Wijk, a2b3c18 born after the death of her father Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz, a2b1c2.Sophia van Wijk born after the death of her father Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz, a2b1c2.Jacoba van Wyk, a2b1c2d4 born after the death of her father Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz, a2b1c2.Maria Margaretha van Wyk, a2b1c2d5 born after the death of her father Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz, a2b1c2.Agnita Elisabeth van Wyk, a2b1c2d6 born after the death of her father Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz, a2b1c2.Gerrit Matthys van Wyk, a2b1c2d7 born after the death of his father Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz, a2b1c2.Jacomina van Wyk, a2b1c2d8 born after the death of her father Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz, a2b1c2.Anna Cecilia van Wyk, a2b1c2d9 born after the death of her father Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz, a2b1c2.Christina Magdalena van Wyk Nel, a2b1c2d10 born after the death of her father Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz, a2b1c2.Martha Elizabeth van Wyk, a2b1c2d11 born after the death of her father Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz, a2b1c2.Christoffel Hendrik van Wyk, a2b1c2d12 born after the death of his father Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz, a2b1c2.
Maria Magdalena Eckhoff van Wyk's profile was updated by Nic Steyn. birth, death, birth surname, and middle name
11 Feb at 12:28 PM
As a result:
This doc is now inked to https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000016755941004& Maria Provo vWyk not the Maria Magdalena Eijkhof named in the doc
This marriage source https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000016769577001&# is now inked to Maria Provo vWyk not the Maria Magdalena Eijkhof named in the doc
cf https://www.geni.com/discussions/155176 where Sources were requested, so we could discuss them.
I'm returning the profile data you've changed on Gerrit Ariesz van Wijk, b1c2 and Maria Magdalena van Wijk and locking the fields.
Please link to the profile and the original sources you want to discuss. Changing the names and dates of profiles without doing that makes it impossible to know who you're referencing.
Nic Steyn wiping all the About data off a profile without consultation is considered vandalism on a multimanager profile. I've restored it. Please consult about collaborative profiles.
compare Timestamp Author Summary
11/2/2018 at 12:35 Nic Steyn
9/2/2018 at 16:33 The Geni Team Gerrit van Wijk and Maria Magdalena E... Restore
9/2/2018 at 15:41 Sharon Lee Doubell Gerrit van Wijk and Maria Magdalena E... Restore
9/2/2018 at 15:32 Sharon Lee Doubell Gerrit van Wijk and Maria Magdalena E...
1. Gerret van Wyk 1707-c Aug1708
Parents: Arie van Wyk, b1 Cornelia van den Bosch
2. Gerrit Willemsz van Wijk, a2b3 ( d. bef Jan 1738)
Parents: Willem van Wijk, SV/PROG 2 & Trijntjen Hillebrants, SM
x Elizabeth Vivier
xx Marie Prevot, b3c2
3. Gerrit Ariesz van Wijk, b1c2d c1774
Parents: Arij Willemse van Wijk, a2b1 and Agnitie Antonette Campher
x1738 Maria Magdalena van Wijk
All welcome to join the van Wyk Project I created to keep track of our research: https://www.geni.com/projects/van-Wyk-Genealogy-of-South-Africa/47489