Who's related to Elon Musk?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Thursday, February 8, 2018
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Elon Musk is related to lot of South Africans. Our own space man. He's my 7th cousin - is he yours? :-) http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-02-07/spacex-rocket-takes-sports-ca...

He is my 16th cousin once removed.
Elon Musk

Elon Musk is my 10th cousin through the Cutter family.

My 5th cousin..Common ancestors Frans Stephanus Maritz & Brechie Elizabeth Blignaut..Their son Jan Gysbert Maritz was my 3rd Great grandfather, & his sister Brechie Elizabeth Maritz, who married Jacobus Theron was Elon Musk's direct ancestor.

My 12th direct cousin no removals

I had no idea !!

Elon Musk is your third great grandfather's wife's first cousin's wife's second great uncle's wife's niece's husband's wife's second cousin five times removed.

He is my fifth cousin twice removed on my Theron side !

yep distant cousin

11th Cousin twice removed

6th Cousin once removed.

6th Cousin once removed.

6th cousin once removed too!

He's my 7th cousin.

7th cousin via Bosman - de Villiers - Theron connection. Surprised.

Elon Musk is my 17th cousin direct and Nikola TESLA is my 27th cousin straight. And TESLA is Elon Musk's 23rd cousin twice removed. lol

I am

he's my nineteenth cousin

and terry lee gunter, 20th cousin

Elon Musk is your 37th cousin 11 times removed

I might be, though one of my family members objects that we don't have official proof of one critical ancestor.

"Elon Musk is your fifth great grandfather's wife's fourth cousin 6 times removed." - according to Geni. That makes us related through his mother, by way of a pair of 17th Century ancestors. I suspect that other paths are possible, but Geni isn't tracing those routes. I stand a good chance of being related to anyone today who is of Scottish descent that arrived in North America more than 200 years ago.

hey Elon Reeve, you're doing a good job!

I also checked on a few people on this thread.

"Sharon Lee Doubell is your 15th cousin five times removed."

Oddly enough, Sharon Doubell and I are connected through an entirely different family path than Elon Musk and I are. Musk is connected through my paternal side for a few hundred years, but Doubell swings over to my paternal grand-mother's side, the Wallace's. I have to go back to the 15th Century before I can start descending down Doubell's ancestry.

"Danielle le Marais is your 17th cousin once removed."

I'm also related to Danielle le Marais through my paternal grand-mother. I have to go back to the 15th Century to make the connection.

"Nichole Elizabeth Richardson is your 12th cousin twice removed."

I'm related to Nichole Richardson also through my paternal grand-mother, but I need go back only to the early 17th Century before I can start tracing down her ancestral path.

I checked for a path to Traci Elizabeth, but Geni did not find one.

I'm looking for people who could describe what Elon Musk's neighborhood was like in the '70s and '80s.

@richard Alexander awesome nice too meet you are you ged match or ancestry I have Alexander ged match Dna cousins

21st 1x removed! Amazing. I work with lithium (which is used in batteries) and have looked a lot into what Elon does so this is quite funny.
Most people I've searched I was related, but some not. Even Obama, Queen Elizabeth, Winston Churchil, Elvis, George Clooney, this is going to be a funny past time going forward haha

Its quite a hobby of mine to see which famous people I'm connected to. It's amazing just how many there are! It's likely most of us are connected to historic figures, or famous people, but to actually see it confirmed is amazing. I've followed my line all the way back to King Solomon and beyond, and it just leaves me stunned we can do this. Elon Musk is my 7th cousin, through the French Connection ;) and it surprised me too.

My 19th cousin four times removed.

PrivateI'm sorry for the delay in my reply, but I was on a semi truck for two weeks straight in March and fell out of touch with the online world.

I'm not sure what you are asking. I haven't used any DNA matching service, though I would like to do so. I found my connection to you through Geni's search feature.

Richard Alexander, Jr that's okay its just another genealogy tool used for comparison between matches and dna gedmatch.com is pretty cool if you ever have time check out.

I am. 17th or 18th cousin, can't quite remember

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